Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Term Economics On Public Policy - 1039 Words
Assignment #2 Lent Term EC230-Economics in Public Policy Question #1: Imagine you are asked to write a press briefing note six years ago on behalf of Del Monte, Inc and the Government of Ecuador, summarizing in about 200 words the case against the EU s tariff on non†ACP bananas. It is still February 2009. On behalf of Del Monte, Inc. and the Government of Ecuador, we want to reiterate our concern regarding the current European Union Tariff Regime on non-ACP bananas. To begin with, this is a regime that is inconsistent with the WTO rules. First, the European Union’s tariff quota allocation to the ACP countries goes against the non-discriminatory Article 13 of the GATT, which states that countries cannot establish multiple tariff regimes†¦show more content†¦In addition, banana tariffs made prices to soar 63% in 1994 and demand to fall 25% (Cassidy, 2009). In consequence, as we can see in Figure 1, tariffs decreased consumer’s surplus by areas 1+2+3+4 due to the difference ‘’between the maximum that consumers would pay for each unit of the good, and what they would actually pay’’ (Pettinger, 2012). In conclusion, the EU non-ACP tariff regime has only freeze out competitors from the Latin American market, but also made its imports in the EU more expensive (Cassidy, 2009); therefore, we urge the EU to eliminate this tariff regime. Figure 1. Question #2: You are now hired by an ACP Caribbean Government to do the same, but in defense of the EU s banana tariff regime. On behalf of the ACP countries, we want to endorse and defend the European’s union tariff regime. Based on the Lomà © Convention, the EU and ACP trade agreements should be based on cooperation and partnership. In addition, the EU has a moral responsibility to support banana production in ACP countries due to the involvement of millions of families in this activity, and thus in their socio-economic stability. To support, this decision we would like to argue that the EU is supporting the true high quality banana farmers of the ACP countries (Shah, 2010). In contrast, banana production is lead by American
Monday, December 16, 2019
Strategic Planning Health Care Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(50) " public presentation markers and belongings harm\." Alcohol abuse is a signifier of substance maltreatment and plays an tremendous function in United States Navy human deaths. Although attempts are being made to de-glamorize the usage and abuse of intoxicant in the Navy, this quandary still remains. Alcohol is easy available, readily accessible, and socially acceptable. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Planning Health Care Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It can be found at featuring events, household reunions, societal assemblages, eating houses and assorted jubilations. Bing socially acceptable and legal, the ingestion of intoxicant does non keep the same societal stigma as other drugs. Nevertheless, intoxicant abuse is a national epidemic. Harmonizing to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2001, more than half a million people were injured in auto accidents where constabulary reported that intoxicant was present – an norm of one individual is injured about every two proceedingss ( Blincoe, Seay et al. , 2002 ) . Excessive intoxicant ingestion is the 3rd taking â€Å" existent †cause of decease in the United States ( Mokdad, Stroup, Marks A ; Gerberding, 2000 ) . In 2001, 17,448 people in the U.S. died in alcohol-related motor vehicle clangs, stand foring 41 % of all traffic-related deceases ( NHTSA, 2002 ) . Alcohol-related motor vehicle clangs kill person every 30 proceedingss ( NHTSA, 2002 ) . Alcohol is besides a major subscriber to force and offense, peculiarly assaults, violative behavior, domestic force and kid maltreatment ( Commonwealth Department of Health and Family Services, 1996 ) . Harmonizing to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) intoxicant abuse was responsible for 75,000 deceases and 2.3 million old ages of possible life lost ( about 30 old ages of life lost per decease ) in 2001. ( Town, Naimi, Mokdad, A ; Brewer, 2001 ) . The National Survey on Drug Use and Health ( NSDUH ) , which conducted a countrywide study affecting questioning about 70,000 indiscriminately selected persons aged 12 and older in 2006, reported somewhat more than half of Americans age 12 or older admitted to being current drinkers of intoxicant. More than 125.3 million people or 50.9A per centum of the population reported being drinkers of intoxicant. A follow-up study in the 2007 study reported a rise in intoxicant ingestion with more than 126.8 million people or 51.1A per centum, acknowledging to being current drinkers of intoxicant. Datas from Substance Abuse A ; Mental Health Services Administration ( SAMHSA ‘s ) National Survey on Drug Use and Health fou nd in 2003, an estimated 56.6 % of veterans used intoxicants compared with 50.8 % of comparable nonveterans. Harmonizing to Dr. Alexander Wagenaar, Director of Alcohol and Other Drug Epidemiology Program at University of Minnesota School of Public Health, intoxicant was involved in: about 32 % of air power deceases ; 62 % of drownings ; 48 % of falls ; 54 % of fires ; 40 % of industrial hurts. Approximately 1.5 million drivers were arrested in 2000 for driving under the influence of intoxicant or narcotics. That ‘s merely over 1 % of the estimated 120 million or more episodes of impaired drive that occur among U.S. grownups each twelvemonth ( NHTSA, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to The Navy Safety Center over the past 5 old ages, crewmans have been deceasing in alcohol-related vehicle accidents at the rate of 1 every 17 yearss. At this rate, a crewman who completes a 20-year calling in the Navy will hold lost 1197 shipmates due to alcohol-related vehicle accidents. That is about 60 crewmans ‘ deceases per twelvemonth as a direct consequence of intoxicant abuse. Harmonizing toaˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.The term intoxicant is besides referred to as ethyl alcohol or ethyl intoxicant. Alcohol is a thin, clear liquid with a rough combustion gustatory sensation and high volatility. Alcohol is created when grains, fruits, or veggies are fermented. Fermentation is a procedure that uses barm or bacterium to alter the sugars in the nutrient into intoxicant. Agitation is used to bring forth many necessary points – everything from cheese to medicines. Alcohol has different signifiers and can be used as a cleansing agent, an antiseptic, or a ataractic. Harmonizing to farther research intoxicant is defined as an intoxicating agent. Alcohol is besides a psychotropic substance, which means that it has the ability to alter consciousness and to change perceptual experiences and behaviour. When speech production of intoxicant, it includes, vino, whisky and beer to call a few. Reappraisal of the peer-reviewed scholarly literature refering to your subject ( 4-5 page narration ) Misuse can be defined to utilize falsely or improperly ; misapply, to utilize or handle severely or harshly ; maltreatment. Harmonizing to National Health Science in England ( 2006 ) , alcohol abuse involves the heavy and frequent usage of intoxicant. Misuse can be characterized by a form of imbibing that can ensue in issues with 1s ‘ relationship perchance as a failure to pay close attending to indispensable undertakings, responsibilities and duties at school, work, or at place which consequences in an inability to work usually. The abuse can do both short and long-run physical, psychological and societal jobs. Misuse of intoxicant can be associated with important injury to kids, particularly when combined with other characteristics such as domestic force or other drug abuse. Salter ‘s Psychiatric Review ( 2003 ) defines intoxicant abuse as imbibing intermittently or persistently to such an extent that it interferes with an employee ‘s wellness or public presentation ( efficiency, productiveness, safety or attending ) . The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines alcohol abuse as the ingestion that puts persons at an increased hazard for inauspicious wellness and societal effects. It is defined as extra day-to-day ingestion ( more than 4 drinks per twenty-four hours for work forces or more than 3 drinks per twenty-four hours for adult females ) , or extra entire ingestion ( more than 14 drinks per hebdomad for work forces or more than 7 drinks per hebdomad for adult females ) , or both. Other illustrations of intoxicant abuse include demoing up late to work or non demoing up at all, going ailment as a consequence of intoxicant ingestion, prosecuting in inappropriate behaviour, failure to abiding by the Torahs or prosecuting in behaviour that causes concern for one ‘s safety or the safety or others. Consequences of abuse include non being recommended for publicity, low public presentation markers and belongings harm. You read "Strategic Planning Health Care Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" It affects one ‘s ability to decently do determinations, execute their needed responsibilities and duties and compromises one ‘s safety. Physical Deductions Alcohol abuse has been associated with a broad scope of mental, physical and societal injuries. Most wellness professionals agree that intoxicant affect practically every organ in the human organic structure. Alcohol ingestion has been linked to more than 60 disease conditions in a series of recent meta-analyses These include increased hazard of unwilled hurts, force, liver disease, high blood pressure, certain malignant neoplastic diseases, and diseases of the cardinal nervous system. ( English et al. , 1995 ; Gutjahr, Gmel A ; Rehm, 2001 ; Ridolfo A ; Stevenson, 2001 ; Single et al. , 1999 ) . Alcohol abuse in any environment is known to do wellness jobs, most notably it can take to liver harm ( e.g. cirrhosis ) , every bit good as jobs with other systems of the organic structure. It is estimated to do about 20-30 % of oesophageal malignant neoplastic disease, liver malignant neoplastic disease, cirrhosis of the liver, homicide, epileptic ictuss, and motor vehicle accidents worldwide ( WHO, 2002 ) . Harmonizing to the Center of Disease Control ( 2010 ) , some illustrations of the affects of intoxicant abuse include unwilled hurts ( e.g. , auto accidents, falls, Burnss, submerging ) , knowing hurts ( e.g. , piece hurts, sexual assault, domestic force ) , alcohol toxic condition, high blood force per unit area, shot, and other cardiovascular diseases, liver disease, offense, and driving under the influence. Alcohol abuse consequences in a assortment of inauspicious wellness results. Persons who misuse intoxicant are besides at increased hazard of a assortment of inauspicious generative wellness results. ( Iyasu, Randall, Welty, Kinney, Mandell, 2002 ) . Recent surveies conducted on rats, have shown that intoxicant additions malignant neoplastic disease, spread by stamp downing the ability of â€Å" natural slayer †cells to destruct malignant neoplastic disease cells going in the blood stream. The findings are peculiarly of import for adult females because old surveies suggest adult females who drink every bit small as one to two drinks a twenty-four hours have an incidence of chest malignant neoplastic disease anyplace from 10 % to 100 % higher than abstainers. ( NHTSA, 2002 ) Research has noted that alcoholic drinks which are consumed in moderateness pose no important menace and have no long term effect. Moderate usage is defined by The Dietary Guidelines for Americans as no more than two alcoholic drinks per twenty-four hours for work forces and no more than one alcoholic drink per twenty-four hours for adult females. A standard drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of vino, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled liquors, all of which contain the same sum of intoxicant ( NHTSA, 2002 ) However, it has been noted that intoxicant abuse involves the heavy and frequent usage of intoxicant which leads to serious effects. A modest ingestion of intoxicant for many in America and in the Navy is considered safe, suited and pleasant. In fact, moderate consumption of intoxicant has been shown to be reciprocally related to the incidence of coronary arteria disease. ( Vidal, A Arveiler, A Evans, A Montaye, A A ; A et al.A 2000 ) . Misuse of Alcohol and the Military Culture, Attitudes and Beliefs In the United States Navy, imbibing has become a tradition and has become portion of being defined as a crewman. Over the old ages, Navy tradition has changed ; nevertheless, the Navy ‘s civilization has easy changed. In the early beginnings and in the formation of the Navy, captains of ships would enroll their crews from saloon. Aboard ship they would have their ration of grog. Grog was a mixture of rum and H2O. It is named after Admiral Grogram Vernon, who foremost ordered the dilution of the British Royal Navy ‘s day-to-day rum ration ( Pack, 1982 ) . Social psychologists have long argued that people tend to follow group attitudes and act in conformity with group outlooks and behaviours based on association demands and societal comparing procedures ( Festinger, 1954 ) , societal force per unit areas toward group conformance ( Asch, 1951, 1952 ) and the formation and acquisition of mention group norms ( Newcomb, 1943 ; Newcomb Wilson, 1966 ; Sherif, 1936, 1972 ) . Alcohol was one time a really of import facet of many of the Navy ‘s oldest clip honored ceremonial processs, such as publicity to main junior-grade officer and traversing the equator. In the yesteryear, intoxicant was thought to be a necessary point for subsistence and morale and, as such, was provided as a day-to-day ration to crewmans and soldiers. Within the preponderantly male U.S. military population, heavy imbibing and being able to â€Å" keep one ‘s spirits †have served as trials â€Å" of suitableness for the demanding masculine military function †( Bryant, 1974 ) . Research has shown that groups of people, who work together, whether in little squads or larger organisations, develop shared beliefs and patterns that can act upon intoxicant usage ( Trice, 1990 ; Ames, 1992 ) . As a consequence of alterations in the past several decennaries, intoxicant is no longer permitted at official military maps, ceremonials or bid sponsored events. In fact, th e end is to deglamorize is usage to promote appropriate behaviour. The Navy ‘s policy against intoxicant is a seeking and hard undertaking and complicated affair particularly for the primary ground ; it has been a portion of the Navy ‘s civilization for over 200 old ages. The footing of the Navy ‘s Alcohol policy is â€Å" zero tolerance on and off responsibility, afloat and ashore. †It is of import to observe, zero tolerance translates into responsible usage of intoxicant. Harmonizing to this policy, abuse of intoxicant is unacceptable ; it interferes with the Navy nucleus Valuess of Honor, Courage and Commitment. Misuse does non fall in line with Navy ‘s criterions of public presentation for it does non show a sense of professionalism. Alcohol abuse usage is a serious discourtesy in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, breaches good order and subject and is incompatible with service in the Navy. It can destruct the lives of those who misuse it and the lives of their loved 1s, for it can make and do relationship iss ues, wellness jobs and fiscal troubles. Alcohol abuse besides places the member ‘s continued service in the Navy in serious hazard. For illustration, new regulations have been implemented, as of July 30, 2010 ; crewmans who are repeat wrongdoers, convicted of a 2nd DUI strong belief will ensue in administrative separation. Previously, the Commanding Officer had the concluding recommendation. An analysis of the job that you are analyzing taking into consideration old coursework ( 2-3 page narration ) The graduated table of the job. Most late we have seen a rise of intoxicant abuse at our bid and in the Navy overall. Aanalysis of the job in a 2002 Department of Defense ( DoD ) survey found that in the last 20 old ages 21 % of service members admitted to imbibing to a great extent ( 2002 ) . Soldiers and Marines stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq are contending for their lives, and many of our Sailors stationed in San Diego are contending for theirs every bit good. The DoD survey besides found that 31 % of all occupational hurts are alcohol-related, as are 23 % of self-destructions and 32 % of homicides ( 2002 ) . While in homeport, directors, leaders and supervisors up and down the concatenation of bid are combating an addition in the measure and frequence of intoxicant related incidences and driving under the influence charges imposed on several of their crewmans since their return from abroad. Research has besides shown that intoxicant usage has remained reasonably changeless between 1980 and 2002: 20.8 % in 19 80, 24.8 % in 1985, 20 % in 1988, and basically unchanged through 2002 ( Bray et al. , 2003 ) . Harmonizing to research from Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor ( DAPA ) for Navy Region Southwest, since 2001 – to 2008 DUI apprehensions rose about 7 per centum across the Navy but dropped 15 % in the Southwest part. Harmonizing to Command Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor ( DAPA ) for Mobile Security Squadron FIVE, the figure of driving under the influence offenses has doubled since this clip last twelvemonth. To day of the month, four Sailors, two Chief Petty Officers and two Petty Military officers have been charged and arrested for driving while intoxicated. Charges against the four persons are still pending. Harmonizing to the Command DAPA they will be held accountable. In order to obtain information for this peculiar survey, interviews, ego appraisals and questionnaire were used. The intent of the ego appraisal was to obtain a baseline on the degree of intoxicant abuse in the bid, enhance Sailor ‘s consciousness and obtain information on hazard behaviours, wellness guidance and testing informations. The term â€Å" orgy imbibing †was defines as a imbibing juncture taking to poisoning, frequently measured as holding more than ten figure of drinks on one juncture ( i.e. , devouring five or more drinks per typical imbibing juncture at least one time a hebdomad ) ( Gmel, Rehm and Kuntsche, 2003 ) . The completion of the appraisal took approximately five proceedingss. A sum of 413 persons completed the appraisal. Datas from 413 studies were collected during a two month period. Presently the bid is composed of 512 forces, 350 of the Sailors late returned from a 7 month deployment to Kuwait in January. In less than 7 months from their last d eployment, those same Sailors will go forth their households, friends and loved one to one time once more deploy to the United Arab Emirates UAE. In a recent study conducted, the figure of â€Å" Days Away from Home Station †averaged 142 yearss. The information besides indicated that 80.6 % of the studies were completed by enlisted crewmans and 19.4 % by officers. The information besides indicated that of the reported study respondents indicated 50.8 % of the respondents were in the 20-29 twelvemonth old age group. Data recorded that 32 % , reported the ingestion of intoxicant, 24 % reported heavy intoxicant usage, 29 % moderate usage, 47 % reported devouring intoxicant fewer than one time a hebdomad and 8 % reported intoxicant usage while driving a vehicle. A really startling statistic is that 6 % of members surveyed reported drive after imbibing excessively much intoxicant. Consequence of Alcohol Misuse: Economic and Military Actions On April 4th 2010, May 16th, 2010, June 17, 2010 and August 1st, 20th 2010, service members were detained and charged with driving while under the influence ( DUI ) . Servicemembers were guilty of DUI ‘s, three of the 4s were first clip wrongdoers. Three of the four were fined between $ 300.00 to $ 850.00. So far, servicemembers have had their impulsive privileges on base suspended for a twelvemonth and all four were jailed overnight. Each are presently required to go to an compulsory intoxicant safety action plan ; two of the four failed to inform their concatenation of bid. They were discovered by the usage of the Alcohol and Drug Management Information and Tracking System ( ADMITS ) , which is a computerized database that paperss and studies all alcohol related incidents. In an interview with one of the service members he shared he began imbibing intoxicant when he was 16 old ages old and continued good into his calling in the Navy. He drank four or five beers a hebdomad with friends. He would imbibe largely with household and friends and while socialising and with his married woman. Most late his ingestion has decreased to imbibing one or two beers one time or twice a month. He believes that he did non hold a imbibing job ; for no 1 at his occupation, in his concatenation of bid or his household or friends has of all time suggested that he misused intoxicant. This is the service members ‘ 2nd discourtesy. California DUI Offense punishments are serious. There are both condemnable and administrative punishments that can be imposed. The 1st discourtesy of a rummy drive strong belief, in most instances, will dwell of two discourtesies: 1 ) driving under the influence of intoxicant ( DUI ) , and 2 ) driving with.08 % or higher blood-alcohol concentration. First clip wrongdoer face possible gaol clip, probation, suspension of their licence, ignition interlock installing, a significant rise in insurance fees ensuing in duplicating or trebling of premiums, restricted travel, community service, loss of employment and expensive mulcts. Punishments, mulcts and fees increase well with each extra discourtesy. The punishments for imbibing and drive are going progressively stricter each twelvemonth but vary from province to province and are broad runing. In California, harmonizing to the National Safety Council State Traffic Safety Legislation Database, first clip wrongdoer, non-injury DUI ‘s are by and large misdemeanours. DUIs that consequence in bodily hurt may be elevated to felony position. Persons face 48 hours up to 6 months in gaol and mulcts can run from $ 390- $ 1,000 plus punishment appraisals. Wrongdoers may hold their licence suspended from 4 months up to a twelvemonth. Courts may besides order the installing of an interlock device. Furthermore, vehicles may be impounded, wrongdoers must take and alcohol instruction class, may be placed on probation and have to execute community service. A 2nd California DUI discourtesy may include 90 yearss to 1 twelvemonth in gaol, a two twelvemonth licence suspension, attending of an 18-30 month DUI school and 3-5 old ages informal pro bation. In comparing, in Texas, for a first clip discourtesy, a driver convicted of a DUI could confront 72 hours to two old ages in gaol, a $ 2,000 to $ 10,000 mulct, suspension of licence for 90 yearss to one twelvemonth and a DUI surcharge of $ 1,000 per twelvemonth for three old ages or $ 2,000 for old ages, if Blood Alcohol Level is above.16. A 2nd rummy drive discourtesy could ensue in 30 yearss to two old ages in gaol, $ 4,000- $ 10,000 mulct, suspension of licence from 180 yearss to two old ages, installing of an ignition interlock device and a DUI surcharge from $ 1,500 to $ 2,000 for three old ages. Bing charged with a rummy driving strong belief can be an really expensive proposition. With the combination of tribunal costs mulcts, fees and an addition in premiums, the cost of one DUI can run between $ 5,000 and $ 20,000. Fines and fees associated with intoxicant abuse vary province to province, nevertheless, the cost of possible fees and mulcts, in all provinces are reeling. Harmonizing to informations by Mother Against Drunk Driving ( 2010 ) , a DUI costs about $ 5,000 – $ 20,000 by the clip you pay mulcts, fees, bond and insurance. For illustration, bond can be $ 150.00 to $ 2500.00 and towage fees can run from $ 200 to $ 1500. Some metropoliss charge $ 1,200 for the first 24 hours and $ 50 for each extra twenty-four hours of storage. driving/alcohol-awareness schools ( 16 hebdomads lower limit ) scope from $ 250.00 to $ 2,000.00. The fee for and installing of an ignition lock is about $ 70.00, legal representation could be anyplace from $ 2500.00 to $ 25,000.00 and li cense reinstatement fee can run from $ 100- $ 250, Auto Insurance Increase: $ 3,600 – $ 6,600 ( The Auto Club estimates $ 2,200 a twelvemonth for 3 old ages ) There are besides unanticipated and incalculable cost such as an addition in life-insurance-premiums, lost of income due to tribunal day of the months, community service, gaol clip, loss of licence and employability. Mission Readiness/Health Care Costss Alcohol abuse affects mission preparedness since it takes clip and costs money for medical referrals, to treat separations and penalties. Additional, it reduces member ‘s dependableness, dependability and discredits members. Furthermore, members are removed from places in which they have been trained for. Alcohol abuse on the single degree is a personal duty failure in leading, judgement, personal and professional behaviour. Over the past two decennaries, five major surveies have used the cost of unwellness ( COI ) model to gauge the economic costs of intoxicant maltreatment in the United States ( Berry et al. 1977 ; Cruze et Al. 1981 ; Harwood et Al. 1984, 1998 ; Rice et Al. 1990 ) . In a survey by Healthy People 2010, a list of national wellness aims for the first decennary of this century includes substance maltreatment as a taking wellness index, with an estimated cost to society of $ 167 billion for intoxicant maltreatment ( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 20 00 ) . Alcohol related jobs cost British industry, 2 billion per twelvemonth due to absenteeism and hapless work public presentation. These surveies present estimations of the costs of intoxicant maltreatment on the footing of analyses of wellness attention costs, productiveness losingss, and assorted extra costs, such as those associated with alcohol-related offense and motor vehicle clangs. In the most recent of these COI surveies, the research group estimated the overall economic cost of intoxicant maltreatment at $ 148 billion for 1992, the most recent twelvemonth for which equal informations were available at the clip the survey was undertaken ( Harwood et al. 1998 ) . The economic costs as a consequence or lost of productiveness was estimated at $ 134.2 billion. Health attention costs of intoxicant maltreatment were estimated at $ 26.3 billion for 1998, stand foring a comparatively modest fraction 14.3 % of the sum estimated cost of intoxicant maltreatment. The direct and indirect cost of intoxicant abuse in the United States was estimated to be about $ 185 billion in 1998. Medical effects of foetal intoxicant syndrome ( FAS ) accounted for about $ 2.9 billion of this sum and about $ 1.3 billion were attributed to lost net incomes due to FAS ( Hardwood, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to the CDC, the cost of intoxicant abuse in the United States was estimated to be $ 185 billi on in 1998. About $ 16 billion of this sum was spent on medical attention for alcohol-related complications ( non including foetal intoxicant syndrome [ FAS ] ) , $ 7.5 billion was spent on forte intoxicant intervention services, and $ 2.9 billion was spent on FAS intervention. The staying costs ( $ 134 billion ) were due to lost productiveness. Lost productiveness due to alcohol-related deceases and disablements impose a greater economic load than do wellness attention costs ( Harwood, 2000 ) . Harmonizing to a 1997 DoD study, the DoD reported that costs for wellness attention associated with the sensing, rehabilitation, and intervention of active responsibility, retired person, and dependent forces with intoxicant related diseases and hurts were approximately $ 557 million. The lost productiveness costs for active responsibility forces hospitalized for intoxicant attributable disease was $ 13 million for the same period. Non-DoD social costs for intoxicant related incidents attributable to active responsibility, retired person, and dependent forces were approximately $ 396 million for the same period. Alcohol abuse among Prime donees cost the DoD an estimated $ 1.2 billion in 2006aˆâ€ ¢ $ 425 million in higher medical costs and $ 745 million in decreased preparedness and misconduct charges. In footings of medical attention and lost clip at work, intoxicant maltreatment costs the DoD more than $ 600 million in 2008 and the DoD spends another $ 132 million a twelvemon th to care for babes with foetal intoxicant syndrome. Legal Actions There are several mentions and instructions which discuss legal action that can be taken against military members that misuse intoxicant. Members arrested and convicted for alcohol-related discourtesy by civil authorization ( i.e. , DUI/DWI, public poisoning, disorderly behavior ) , are apt to be punished under article 92, failure to obey a lawful order, and Article 111-drunken or foolhardy operation of vehicle, aircraft, or vas. Legal actions against service members is based on misconduct and abuse, the non the intoxicant job in itself. Military legal actions and effects include loss of on base privileges, limitation, publicity recommendation and a 2nd intoxicant misconduct discourtesy will ensue in administrative separation. Members found guilty at ( non-judicial penalty ) NJP typically face A? months pay times two months. On norm, a Chief with over 12 old ages of service makes 3,699.00. The Chiefs in our bid confronting NJP can anticipate to lose $ 1849. This does non include loss of possible future publicities. In contrast, civilian legal actions include tribunal costs and fee, increased insurance premiums, driver ‘s license suspension and possible gaol clip. Effectiveness of Navy Training Programs To find the effectivity of the intoxicant preparation plans a sample study was utilised. 75 % of those surveyed believed that developing plans were effectual. Many of the respondents stated the preparation plans purposes have been and are clearly stated, nevertheless, developing to cut down intoxicant abuse are merely effectual if persons make a witting determination to implement what they have learned from the preparation. Others stated that plans are effectual ; nevertheless, they are merely non decently utilised unless you ‘re at a rigorous bid. On some occasions, plan are merely to the full implemented and supported when something happens. Many of the plans that are presently in topographic point include Right Sprit, 123, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Managers and Supervisors ( ADAMS ) for Leaders, ADAMS for Supervisors and ADAMS for Facilitators. These plans emphasize responsible usage and deglamorize intoxicant with the purpose of cut downing the impact of intoxicant abuse. Training plans are effectual for they raise awareness, promote treatment, promotes positive behaviours refering responsible usage while avoiding intoxicant abuse. They besides discuss the dangers of intoxicant abuse and supply information on where persons can travel to have guidance and other valuable resources. These plans are effectual ; they teach crewmans how to take attention of non merely themselves, but to be aware of the wellness and public assistance of those they work or live with and assorted options to bask life without intoxicant. The Navy presently uses instruction and preparation pictures, community organisation, jurisprudence enforcement, and wellness publicity runs. These assorted types of preparation plans, assistance in acquiring the message out about the responsible usage of intoxicant and can do a important difference in person ‘s life. These preparation plans set criterions in educating the Sailors of the hereafter in forestalling future issues associated with its abuse. These preparation plans are effectual for they promote a healthier lifestyle and can perchance forestall person from going a statistic. A proposed program for turn toing this job ( 4-5 page narration ) The Navy ‘s attempts to cut down intoxicant abuse have non been successful. Alcohol is a legal substance, but its abuse has a important impact on misusers. The proposed program to diminish intoxicant abuse usage would be an incorporate attack to undertaking the jobs through early intercession and sensing, airing of cognition of intoxicant abuse policies, wellness related issues and its societal and wellness effects. The program includes implementing a strong policy that would be enforced systematically concentrating on intoxicant abuse bar. Numerous school-based plans have emerged over the old ages to battle minor imbibing and drive. Recent grounds has highlighted a figure of factors that strengthen the efficaciousness of school-based substance maltreatment prevention/education plans which include an synergistic function ( e.g. , Komro, 2002 ; Tobler, 1992 ; Tobler et al. , 2000 ; Tobler A ; Stratton, 1997 ) . Research besides illustrates that community-based bar plans have be en effectual in cut downing those jobs ( Hulley and Fortmann 1981 ; see besides Puska et Al. 1985 ; Maccoby et Al. 1977 ; Jacobs et Al. 1986 ) . This system can forestall a job before a job develops which will help in assisting crewmans make the right determinations at the right clip about their actions and behaviour. Leadership ‘s function, Interventions and Practices to Decrease Alcohol Misuse in the Navy The program that could be implemented would be an incorporate program with a focal point on bar and instruction, clear concise communicating, intrusive leading and battle and mentorship. The program I would implement would non set a arrest to all intoxicant abuse, alternatively it would concentrate on bar attempts paying peculiar attending to the bad imbibing behaviour. Alcohol abuse can be reduced through early sensing and early intercession. Communicating straight with our Sailors about intoxicant abuse, intrusive leading, prosecuting the bid and being direct with our Sailors about the issue of the abuse of intoxicant is the foundation of a the preventative integrative program. Communicating, prosecuting the Sailors in the bid and being direct with the Sailors, leads to constructing a relationship between Sailors and the leading. The end of leading should be to construct a relationship with those crewmans allowing them know that they are of import and that leading is at that place to help them with any issues they may hold. It besides creates an environment of positive aid where Sailors know leaders will make the best they can to take attention of their demands. Commands that have clear communicating are intrusive, engaged and direct set the tone and are active participants in cut downing intoxicant abuse. This system provides leading the chance to supply information jeopardies and effects of intoxicant abuse. A In constructing a relationship with the Sailors they become cognizant that they are relevant and an of import portion of the bid and instills a sense of duty and AIDSs in edifice and apprehension of Navy policy and outlooks. This besides gives leading an chance to discourse the bids policy constructing a contributing acquisition environment. There is strong grounds that short treatments or †brief intercessions †delivered by professionals are effectual in cut downing imbibing and are cost-efficient. ( Fitzgerald, Watson, A Mccaig, A A ; A Stewart, A D.2009 ) . This attack besides allows an chance to raise the issue of abuse and to discourse bounds of intoxicant ingestion and its negative effects. Another cardinal facet of this integrative program would include bid engagement. Commands should stress moderateness and responsible usage. Commands along with the bid leading should reenforce the message of the Navy intoxicant policy and deglamorize the usage of intoxicant and take restorative every bit good as preventative steps as needed. The Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Command Master Chief and leading should guarantee policies are implemented and members are held accountable by efficiently training improper behaviour, maintaining the plan extremely seeable, sharply prosecuting crewmans, discoursing responsible usage and the effects of go againsting the Navy ‘s refering its abuse, guarantee preparation is easy available and guidance and referrals are readily accessible. Command engagement would besides include cognizing when your crewmans are turning 21 or being cognizant of their birthdays. Research reports found that that 1/5 of all Navy intoxicant related incid ents go on within 12 months of Sailors turning 21. Sailors on or around their birthday should be counseled on the negative effects of intoxicant abuse and should be informed of the Navy ‘s policy on intoxicant and apprehension there are alternate options which do non affect the ingestion of intoxicant. Commands can besides increase the frequence they have Command Calls or have the Command Master Chief speak with the bid more often for case before long vacation weekends, to discourse the bids policy on intoxicant abuse and to remind Sailors to be responsible. Another preventative integrative attack would be supervisors and leaders understanding their duty of being leaders and wise mans. Supervisors, leaders and directors should be cognizant that they are function theoretical accounts. They should be responsible and should advance and further an ambiance of professionalism. Another program to battle intoxicant abuse in the bid is to convey in synergistic games designed to exemplify the dangers of intoxicant abuse. This synergistic device would be a computing machine simulation which would imitate the effects of driving while under the influence to let crewmans to see the effects of how it would and how they would respond while under the influence to see first manus the impact of intoxicant has on the organic structure. This device would assist raise consciousness and hopefully die DUI incidences. A treatment of possible barriers to implementing your program ( 1 page narration ) Recommendations for get the better ofing these barriers ( 1 page narration ) Decision In shutting, one of the most discouraging findings from this research was that 8 % of those surveyed reported driving while under the influence. Alcohol is a drug which can do serious societal, fiscal and physical convulsion. Unhealthy intoxicant ingestion and intoxicant abuse is a major concern in the United States Navy for it has had an inauspicious impact on the mission preparedness of bids and significantly impacts misusers. Alcohol abuse is dearly-won in footings of cost, clip lost and its consequence on households. It besides destabilizes and threatens one safety, wellness, combat preparedness, and is damaging to morale. Alcohol abuse is incompatible with United States Navy criterions of public presentation, and is destructive in the Navys attempts to transfuse pride, professionalism, and esprit de corps. Alcohol in the United States Navy has a long and celebrated tradition of abuse and continues to hold considerable medical, legal and societal effects. It is hard to explicate the positive consequence of intoxicant abuse. While the ingestion of intoxicant may convey with it feelings of enjoyment and heat in the heads of many, it carries with it legion damaging effects, if non used responsibly. As documented in this study, intoxicant abuse poses some serious jobs on its users and their household and topographic points undue load and emphasis on the lives of those affected by its abuse. Furthermore, service members often use intoxicant to get by with apprehensiveness, humdrum, force per unit area, solitariness, jitteriness, emphasis and the sensed deficiency of off responsibility easy activities. Research has illustrated that this is a serious issues that demands our attending. It is of import that we all understand that intoxicant abuse will non be eradicated overnight. It will take several old ages to alter the military civilizations mind set, perceptual experience, attitudes and beliefs about intoxicant usage. The United States Navy civilization will merely alter through an incorporate attack of bar through intercession, instruction and preparation. Additionally, leading should encompass and accept their function and duty in educating their crewmans on current patterns, processs, constabularies and the nature of intoxicant abuse and how it can be prevented and treated efficaciously. The procedure has taught that the bing grounds that has been provided shows that we have an issue in our bid that needs to be addressed. This really little but really alone organisation of informations suggests that more demands to be done to battle this quandary at our bid. Prevention is better than remedy and this information indicates that the Navy needs a better program to pull off the force per unit areas that our crewmans face, which can lend to unhealthy lifestyle determinations. It is apparent from this study that we need to increase our consciousness of intoxicant ingestion and its societal, legal and wellness effects. This study has significantly contributed to my cognition base and has aided in the apprehension of the current tendencies in our bid in relation to alcohol-related issues. This information will be good in raising consciousness among the bid about the terrible reverberations that alcohol abuse can hold. This research has highlighted the importance of responsible usage. There is a demand for more of a focal point on more tools for effectual alteration. To efficaciously cut down the abuse of intoxicant includes implementing effectual schemes to battle intoxicant abuse usage by supplying instruction, preparation and proper showing. Education, preparation and effectual showings have shown to be an indispensable constituent and component in diminishing intoxicant abuse every bit good as minimising the injury caused by intoxicant. I will be my purpose to be more proactive with my attacks to communication the navy policies on responsible usage, through, program of the day of the month notes, on line showings, and posting runs In shutting, early intercession and sensing, airing of cognition of intoxicant abuse policies and wellness publicity combined with intoxicant deglamorization can be utile in stemming tide of abuse. More information, information and research is still required and more demands to be done the kerb the tide of intoxicant maltreatment. In the interim, supplying the appropriate support, preparation, resources, testing and instruction will supply a model to help the bid in undertaking this really serious issue. Overall, these findings indicate that the armed forces has made paces in battling intoxicant abuse ; nevertheless, farther research is needed to measure the effectivity of these plans. intoxicant. ( n.d. ) . In Dictionary Definitions. Retrieved August 9th, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.yourdictionary.com/alcohol Asch, S.E. Effectss of group force per unit area on the alteration and deformation of opinions. In: Guetzkow, H. ( Ed. ) Groups, Leadership and Men: Research in Human Relations, Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Press, 1951, pp. 177-190. American Heritage Dictionaries ( 12 April 2006 ) . 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Dod Study Alcohol Abuse Costs DoD DearlyBy Staff Sgt. Kathleen T. Rhem, USA American Forces Press Service How to cite Strategic Planning Health Care Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Problem-Based Learning in undergraduate Physics education
Question: Describe about the Implementation of Problem-Based Learning in undergraduate Physics education? Answer: The first article depicts the knowledge utilization for effective learning of the people of UK and US (Wood 2015). The technique is effectively utilized for the medical schools, however, later the technique is useful for each subjects. The Problem-based Learning is an effective way to identify the problem and then the facilitators help them to resolve the problem. In this context, the first objective is aligned along with the effective learning process. The learning process is conducted within smaller groups and the dynamism is maintained with verbal and non-verbal communication in the group. The group learning is useful for forming a better atmosphere to learn the particular course with comfort and simplicity. The PBL sessions are created to make the entire course more attractive and enjoyable to the students. Active or deep learning is more effective according to interaction with the lecturers raising individual doubts (Barrett and Naughton 2014). The experimental learning process is more important with the problem solving. The comparison, contrast and evaluation of the PBL process is conducted with traditional learning of reading and memorizing. The traditional learning method quite synchronized with read one particular topic, learn the basics, and memorize in the process. The PBL learning is supported with identifying the problems inside the learning and then resolving them. It is more of a dynamic yet logical way to learn the course with extensive research and analysis of the topics. The second objective is aligned with the articles point of view and understanding. The second article suggests that the learner will clearly facilitate the learning; they must be self-directed and self-regulated with the study, and ill-structured learning will lead to queries (Savery 2015). The cognitive monitoring of the teaching is supported with effective learner-centered approach. The learning process of PBL should not be confused with teaching and problem solving, as the third objective states and the third one is aligned with PBL sessions. The PBL technique application is more sufficient with committing all the learners in all levels. The assessment of the learning process should be emphasized without matching the outcomes in other problem-based problems. In this context, the learning process of Physics is evaluated with content knowledge and application of realistic problems. The natural learning process is sufficient with cooperating and demonstrating the methods along with general issues detected. The main limitation in Problem-Based Learning is identified to be improperness in the undergraduate learning curriculum. The learning process is still not suitable for undergraduate students, and the problem is echoed in the professional organizations and medical institutions, hence further research scope stays. The fourth objective is aligned with this articles reviewed limitations and future scopes as well. The adaptability in the smaller learning institution still stays with the application of new knowledge and information. The learning process is still important with the current and future PBL study along with engagement in solution-seeking approach. The third article suggests the learning can be expanded with researching and reviewing of the essential literatures (Frambach et al. 2012). The research can be performed as primary and secondary data collection. The collected data are then analyzed according to the learning culture. The new research scope of the PBL process of learning may be with identifying the culture and social responsibilities. The new learning process should incorporate the cultural understanding and self-directed. The methods utilized in PBL and specific expertise developments are supported with critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communication skills, as the third objective is identified with the study. References Frambach, J.M., Driessen, E.W., Chan, L.C. and van der Vleuten, C.P., 2012. Rethinking the globalisation of problemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ based learning: how culture challenges selfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ directed learning.Medical education,46(8), pp.738-747. Wood, E.J., 2015. Problem-based learning: Exploiting knowledge of how people learn to promote effective learning.Bioscience education. Savery, J.R., 2015. Overview of problem-based learning: Definitions and distinctions.Essential Readings in Problem-Based Learning: Exploring and Extending the Legacy of Howard S. Barrows, pp.5-15. Barrett, T. and Naughton, C., 2014. Problem-based learning.Integrative Learning: International Research and Practice, p.43.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Panini Company Business Plan
Business Plan â€Å"The Panini King† will provide freshly made Panini’s in a short time with several choices in the type of bread, cheese and meat for the customers. There will also be side–dishes such as chips, dips, and salads.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Panini Company: Business Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is being planned and built by an educated and vastly experienced entrepreneur, Mr. Peter McConkey. Since market conditions in an area can have a significant impact on the profitability of the restaurant (Goodpasture et al), â€Å"The Panini King†located in a busy business area will satisfy an unmet demand for fast food do-it yourself (DIY). The Panini King is not â€Å"just another†fast food company rather it will be a unique combination of excellent customized food at value pricing in an entertaining atmosphere. Our studies and experience show that customers (1) want value for everything that it purchases, (2) a clean restaurant (3) want choices (4) want useful suggestions, and (3) want quick service – a necessity for any fast food company (restaurantowner.com). Panini King will do this by providing customized, fresh and tasty sandwiches within a short frame of time. It will also provide customers options in bread, cheeses, and meat in their Panini’s along with a healthy salads, chips, and drinks. â€Å"In 2010, the United States fast food market is forecast to have a value of $57.6 billion, an increase of 12.1% since 2005†(McCarty).This plan is prepared to establish the financial viability of the restaurant and to raise $40,000 in a 7-year term loan to finance the equipment and leasehold improvements. Additional financing required will be provided by the owner. Objectives In the first three years of operation the objectives are to make the joint a popular destination for customers, ke eping the cost of food under 30% of revenue, keeping labor cost between 25 to 30% of revenue, reaching annual sales volume of 1 million dollars, controlling costs, and hiring professionals such as CPA’s, to keep the business under control.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Mission The mission of â€Å"The Panini King†is to be a premier fast food company. Our guests will not just enjoy their Panini’s but also enjoy the ambience when visiting The Panini King, hoping to give an experience that is as pleasing to the senses as it is to the palate. With its comfortable, conversational surroundings, and quality ingredients, it is easy to see why Panini King would succeed in its mission (Panera Bread, 2009). Keys to Success There are key external factors that are outside the control of the owner but can have but are likely to have an impact on business (I BISworld). However, the keys to our success lies in : (1) Creating a friendly and comfortable atmosphere that will set us apart from our competitors. (2) Serving healthy menu selections at unbeatable prices in a clean environment, consistently. (3) Controlling costs and (4) Hiring and retaining the most suitable people for the job. Company Summary The identifying characteristics of the Panini King will be Entertaining surroundings, Quality food, Variety, Longer hours, Self-service, and Friendly employees. Company Ownership Peter McConkey, the sole proprietor of the Panini King with Bachelors in Science degree from University California with Major in Economy and Minor in Management. Mr. McConkey had his initial experience from family owned business based on which he has launched his own business initiative. He also has experience in distribution and customer relationship and has demonstrated his skills in marketing and advertising. Start-Up Summary Panini Joint’s start-u p expenses include Restaurant Layout – employees, and professionals to plan leasehold improvements and interior design. Travel – Travel expenses for Mr. Peter to travel to his location of business. Lease Hold Improvement/Equipment – would be installed after the initial planning. Marketing Strategy A mix of TV advertisements and distribution of flyers to local businesses will be used to announce the opening of the restaurant. Local radio and print media will also be used to announce the opening of the best and only Panini fast food company in California. Free Panini’s will offered to the first 100 customers and a novel concept of having Panini’s named after customers who visit the joint the most and place it in a prominent place. The ultimate form of advertising is the word of mouth and this is what we will encourage our loyal customers to do on an ongoing basis.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on The Panini Company: Busi ness Plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sales Strategy The sales strategy is to provide best customer service to increase repeat customers. Once the sales reaches over $ 400,000 per year we plan to open additional joints in other cities across USA. We intend to franchise the name and the business system across the country and maintain a standardized approach to all centers. This in turn will result in more jobs creation which will be available to young, dynamic and hard-working individuals. Bibliography Goodpasture, John et al, Restaurant Market Analysis. University of Wisconsin-Extension, 1994. Web. IBISworld â€Å"Takeaway Food Retailing in Australia†. 2009. Web. Mccarty, Michael â€Å"Fast Food Market Forecast – The Subway Example of Strategic Product Positioning.†Fast Food Market Forecast – The Subway Example of Strategic Product Positioning. 2007. Web. Panera Bread. The Proof is in the Su ccess (2009). Web. What Do Customers Want? (2009). Web. This term paper on The Panini Company: Business Plan was written and submitted by user Bodhi Cruz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Is Tony Blair More Like a President Than a Prime Minister essays
Is Tony Blair More Like a President Than a Prime Minister essays Is Tony Blair more like a President than a Prime Minister In order to assess whether Tony Blairs leadership is more presidential than prime ministerial, one must first consider the significant differences between the presidential and Parliamentary regimes. The Presidential system of government is characterised by a constitutional separation of powers between the legislative (congress) and the executive (the Presidency). In Britain, however, the executive and legislative overlap. In theory, the US President exercises all of the prerogatives of the executive, and the British Prime Minister is obliged to share executive competencies. The US President (following advice from his staff and Cabinet) makes legislative recommendations to Congress, whereas the British Prime Minister (following consultations within the executive and having reached some form of collective agreement) issues legislative instructions to Parliament.1 The US constitution secures the Presidents position in office for a term of four years and they cannot be dismissed by congress (except through impeachment). However, looser party discipline means the President cannot regularly command Congressional support for his policies since their party may be in the minority in Congress. The British Prime Minister, in contrast, has relatively more power: provided the support of the majority party is sustained he or she leads both the executive and legislative arms of government.2 The prolific use of the term presidential in relation to Tony Blairs leadership can be used in both senses of the word. Firstly, to express the magnitude of Blairs leadership, and secondly as a means of expressing a qualitative shift away from the more traditional British political process. The analogy comes in a variety of guises and contexts that are differently motivated, have different sources and implications, and are diffe...
Friday, November 22, 2019
12 consejos para entrevista para sacar visa americana
12 consejos para entrevista para sacar visa americana Salvo casos muy excepcionales, es necesario presentarse a una entrevista para sacar la visa americana en una embajada o un consulado de los Estados Unidos. Esto aplica tanto a las visas de inmigrante dentro del proceso para obtener la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card, como a las no inmigrante como, por ejemplo, las de turista, inversià ³n, estudiante, trabajo temporal, etc. A continuacià ³n, la informacià ³n bsica sobre en quà © consiste la entrevista, quà © llevar, quà © vestir, presencia de nià ±os y ancianos, cà ³mo cambiarla, etc. Cambiar la fecha de la cita para la entrevista Es posible hacerlo ingresando al sistema en la que se cerrà ³ la cita en lo que se conoce como Applicant Summary Page para lo cual es necesario tener a mano el nà ºmero de pasaporte. Se pueden cambiar las fechas de la entrevista todas las veces que se quiera, siempre que se està © dentro de plazo. Sin embargo, eso no quiere decir que se pueda elegir el dà a y la hora que se desea, ya que solamente se puede elegir entre los dà as y horas que no tienen ya asignada una entrevista. Cunto dura la entrevista para la visa La entrevista generalmente dura muy poco. En el caso de la visa de turista en la mayorà a de los casos apenas un par de minutos de promedio. Sin embargo, segà ºn el tipo de visa puede que la entrevista se alargue entre 15 y 20 minutos, como es el caso de las de inversià ³n. Presencia de nià ±os, bebà ©s y ancianos para la entrevista Salvo excepciones muy limitadas, todas las personas entre los 14 y los 79 aà ±os de edad deben acudir en persona a la entrevista cuando se solicita una visa no inmigrante por primera vez. Adems, esa regla general de presencia fà sica para todos los que tienen entre 14 y 79 aà ±os tiene excepciones importantes. Por ejemplo, a pesar de haber cumplido ya los 80 aà ±os se tiene que ir a la entrevista si se trata de una persona que previamente ha sido arrestada en Estados Unidos o deportada. En el caso de los nià ±os, hay que consultar con la oficina consular o la embajada en la que se tramita la visa ya que las reglas de edad varà an notablemente. En muchos casos se exige acudir a la entrevista si el nià ±o o la nià ±a han cumplido ya los 6 aà ±os. Pero esta edad puede variar. Si el nià ±o debe ir a la entrevista, deber ir acompaà ±ado de sus dos padres, a menos que sà ³lo uno tenga la custodia legal del menor, como por ejemplo en caso de viudedad o sentencia judicial. Si uno de los dos padres no puede por razà ³n seria deber entregar al progenitor que sà acompaà ±a al menor una carta en la que especifica que da su consentimiento para que el menor obtenga la visa. Presencia de acompaà ±antes para la entrevista de la visa La regla general es que los solicitantes de la visa deben acudir solos a las oficinas consulares o a la embajada. Es decir, no deben ir acompaà ±ados por familiares, amigos o abogados. Esta regla admite excepciones, como es el caso de los menores de edad que deben ir acompaà ±ados por los padres o por su guardin legal. Tambià ©n en el caso de incapacitados, à ©stos pueden ir acompaà ±ados de un ayudante. Incluso se admite la presencia de un traductor cuando sea necesario, por ejemplo, en el caso de los sordomudos pueden ir con alguien que traduce el lenguaje de signos. En todos estos supuestos debe notificarse con antelacià ³n el nombre del acompaà ±ante. Cumplir con los horarios Llegar a tiempo, pero no ms de 15-30 minutos antes de la hora de la cita. Debe esperarse en fila en el exterior, incluso los dà as de lluvia o frà o. Aunque la entrevista per se es corta, todo el proceso desde que se ingresa a que se sale puede demorarse unas dos horas, dependiendo de la oficina consular. Respetar las reglas de seguridad del consulado Hay que esperar un control muy similar al de los aeropuertos. Por cuestiones de seguridad, todos los visitantes dentro de un edificio diplomtico estadounidense deben pasar por un detector de metales. Est prohibido ingresar telà ©fonos celulares y otros aparatos electrà ³nicos como iPads,iPods, cmaras de video e incluso controles remotos para abrir carros o garajes. Asimismo, est prohibido intentar ingresar armas de cualquier tipo o artilugios que puedan ser utilizados como tales, como por ejemplo cuchillos u otros objetos punzantes. Tambià ©n estn prohibidas las mochilas, las maletas, las cajas de cualquier tipo y los maletines. Llevar ordenada documentacià ³n necesaria y de apoyo Debe acudirse a la entrevista con un pasaporte vigente, el papel de confirmacià ³n de la cita y el justificante de haber pagado el arancel de la visa. En el caso de los nià ±os se debe verificar el requisito de certificado de nacimiento, ya que es comà ºn pedirlo y que la copia tenga menos de 3 meses. Si solo uno de los padres tiene la custodio legal, deber llevar un documento que asà lo acredite. Lo primero que se entrega es el pasaporte, que deber estar vigente y en buen estado. En la mayorà a de los casos se pide que tenga al menos una validez por los prà ³ximos seis meses, pero este requisito puede variar segà ºn el consulado, por lo que debe verificarse. Y si previamente se ha tenido un pasaporte con visa americana, tambià ©n llevarlo. Al entregar el pasaporte darn un nà ºmero de cita. Adems, debern llevarse todos los documentos que sirvan para acreditar que se cumplen todos los requisitos para que se conceda la visa solicitada. Adems, si se ha tenido un pasaporte con visa americana que se ha extraviado o ha sido robado, llevar notificacià ³n oficial de que se ha denunciado. Por à ºltimo, si se ha sido arrestado en los Estados Unidos o se ha sido deportado, llevar los documentos que se tengan respecto a esa situacià ³n. Es conveniente colocar todos esos documentos en un fà ³lder de plstico transparente y llevar todo el papeleo ordenado. Jams llevar y entregar al personal consular sobres sellados. Esperar sentado en la sala de espera hasta que llamen por nombre y por nà ºmero para la entrevista. Contestar a las preguntas del oficial consular Hay que esperar preguntas relacionadas con la visa que se solicita. Asà , si se ha pedido una de turista, se preguntar quà © se planea visitar, cà ³mo se va a pagar, si se va a visitar a algà ºn familiar, etc. Lo que le importa al oficial consular es hacerse una idea de si existe un riesgo de que, si la visa fuera aprobada, la persona solicitante se pueda quedar en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del autorizado. Para evitar que la visa se niegue por esa razà ³n es una buena idea presentar documentacià ³n de apoyo que sirva para demostrar lazos familiares y/o econà ³micos fuertes en el paà s de residencia. Si se solicita una de negocios se preguntar quà © tipo de gestià ³n se va a hacer en Estados Unidos, cunto tiempo se lleva trabajando en la empresa y en quà © cargo y con quà © especialidad. Adems, si se solicita una de intercambio o de estudiante, verificarn el nivel de inglà ©s y si se solicita la de inversià ³n hay que esperar preguntas en profundidad sobre el plan de negocio. La documentacià ³n adicional que se lleva para probar el caso de cada uno sà ³lo se entrega al oficial consular si à ©ste lo pide. No est obligado a aceptarla y sà ³lo la solicitar si cree que es necesario para tomar su decisià ³n. En todo caso es conveniente llevarla. Conocer las consecuencias de mentir, antes de hacerlo Durante la entrevista es importante contestar la verdad ya que la utilizacià ³n de documentacià ³n falsa o mentir para obtener una visa es considerado un fraude y puede provocar como consecuencia que se considere al mentiroso como inelegible para una visa por el resto de su vida. Esto es una cosa que pasa con mucha frecuencia. E incluso, en algunos casos, los consulados avisan a las autoridades locales para que se persiga penalmente la falsificacià ³n de documentos. Nunca comportarse como un maleducado Finalmente, nunca gritar, insultar, hacer malos comentarios, etc. Incluso en los casos en los que se considere que el oficial consular est siendo muy estricto o, incluso, deniega la visa. Las razones son muchas pero la principal es que todos los comentarios que se realicen y todo tipo de comportamiento puede ser registrado en el expediente del solicitante de la visa, dificultando en el futuro que pueda sacarla.  ¿Quà © vestir para la entrevista? Quien diga que no importa cà ³mo se va vestido, miente. Es importante ir bien presentado. No es necesario excederse y vestirse como si se fuera a una boda, pero sà que es importante dar la imagen de que efectivamente se tienen medios econà ³micos legales para pagar la estancia en Estados Unidos.  ¿Quà © pasa al finalizar la entrevista para la visa? Al finalizar la entrevista el oficial consular comunicar al solicitante si la visa es concedida, denegada o, ni lo uno ni lo otro, porque entra en lo que se llama un proceso administrativo. Las causas de no aprobacià ³n pueden ser calificadas en dos categorà as: de ineligibilidad para la visa que se solicita y de inadmisibilidad para ingresar en Estados Unidos. En el caso de las visas de turista la razà ³n ms comà ºn de la denegacià ³n es el no haber probado và nculos econà ³micos o/y familiares suficientes. Antes de volver a aplicar con ciertas posibilidades de à ©xito conviene saber cunto esperar y quà © hacer para subsanar el problema. En el caso de que la causa de negacià ³n fuera una inadmisibilidad, estar atento a si el oficial consular sugiere la posibilidad de solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como permiso o perdà ³n. Por el contrario, si la visa es concedida el pasaporte debe quedar en la embajada o consulado y se enviar a los pocos dà as a su titular con la visa estampada en à ©l. Destacar que la visa no da derecho a ingresar a Estados Unidos, es sà ³lo un requisito. La decisià ³n final corresponde al oficial migratorio en aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre. Finalmente, puede suceder que se comunique que no hay una decisià ³n final tomada sobre si se otorga o no la visa, pendiente de un proceso administrativo. Esto sucede cuando se necesita realizar investigaciones adicionales y puede demorarse, por lo general, unos 90 dà as, aunque puede extenderse por mucho ms, llegando incluso al aà ±o. Puntos clave: entrevista para visa en consulado o embajada La entrevista en el consulado americano es parte esencial en el proceso de sacar la visa. ¿Deben presentarse los nià ±os?: La regla general es que deben ir a la entrevista todas las personas entre 14 y 79 aà ±os, aunque algunos consulados tienen reglas exigiendo la presencia de menores tan jà ³venes como 6 aà ±os. Verificar con el consulado. ¿Cunto dura la entrevista?: Por regla general, menos de dos minutos. ¿Es posible cambiar la fecha de la cita?: Sà , pero solamente se puede elegir entre dà as y horas disponibles en el calendario del consulado. ¿Quà © documentacià ³n llevar?: la obligatoria, segà ºn el tipo de visa, y la de apoyo, que puede servir para que el oficial consular apruebe la visa. Sin embargo, à ©ste no est obligado a verificarla. Cabe destacar que mentir a un oficial consular es un fraude de ley. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is Communism Considered To Be Evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Is Communism Considered To Be Evil - Essay Example Still, it is important to note that public’s needs and wants are the basic and fundamental controlling factor that is going to determine the level of governance’s quality in both democratic and communistic systems. The public interest will have to be met in order to save reign of any kind. The communistic mechanism of the government fundamentally works towards suppressing the individual and personal needs so that collective benefits can be disseminated in the society. The communistic system is considered a crude method of governance because it is more prone towards experiencing corruption. The higher probability of corruption is stemming out of absence of any formal way of accountability in the featured type of governance system (Hardt pp.348). The humans are of the view that they are equals and therefore, should be allowed to decide their representatives who will in turn work towards maximization of public interest. The freedom of speech and choice are believed to the antecedent of applying democratic system whereas, the success of democracy is strongly linked with individualistic dimension of the culture. The China is effectively following communism (Steinmuller pp.481) through socialism because its indigenous culture is having a collective outlook and because of this reason, the children are trained to work in terms of serving the society before fulfillment of self interest. The common belief in Chinese community states that once an individual does his or her job then, government will take care of his or her needs. The Chinese governmental philosophy attempts to establish social equality in the community by assisting the people in meeting their basic needs and necessities. The Chinese society is housing substantial amount of population and therefore, they can take a holistic approach towards economic development. But, the people who have an individualistic orientation towards life consider communism as evil. The humans are popular for creating their own reality and some of them identify communism as evil because it suppresses personal and private freedoms while others view it as the means of achieving fiscal development and growth in a collective setting. Thusly, the human belief systems, attitudes and perceptions make a concept or an idea evil or noble. The Chinese economic development remained exemplary over the past few decades and therefore, it can be argued that communism is an effective source of achieving elementary objectives of governance. The problems originate in the light of Agency Theory when the national representatives do not successfully translate public interests into realities. In the presence of abovementioned condition the masses’ support towards any type of government is bound to decline and that is for sure. The communistic system is neither good nor bad in its essence but its deployment and application are going to determine its ethical value and quality. The only enemy of governmental effect iveness goes by the name of corruption and any system that represents corruption more than a certain level, is going to disintegrate sooner or later. The communistic approach in the direction of governance helped Russians in managing their national level issues and operations but things went south when governmental issues undervalued public interest so that they can meet their own personal agendas. The marginal public support for the government played a significant role in causing the breakage of Soviet Union and one communistic
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Betty Neumans systems model approach to nursing theory Article
Betty Neumans systems model approach to nursing theory - Article Example I agree with the assessment of Betty Neuman that the field of healthcare is a difficult one to utilize a singular theory in helping to define it in totality.Due to the fact that nursing is an infinitely complex and nuanced discipline, it is prone to change and be redefined in any of multiple key areas. However, if one were forced to choose a solitary theory as an explanation of the way in which nursing should operate and is currently exhibited within its application, it would necessarily be that of Betty Neuman's Systems Model. Due to the fact that her approach argues that the practitioner seek to approach the individual patient on a systemic level, it is one of the few theoretical approaches that requires the practitioner to dispel as many preconceived notions as is possible. Due to the fact that healthcare practitioners are oftentimes caught up in the individual stressors that a patient may exhibit, such factors are oftentimes not headed.  I further agree with the analysis that Neuman’s Systems Model approach points out that individuals within the nursing profession oftentimes treat the symptoms of a secondary issue rather than seeking to draw a level of inference upon what unique stressors could have caused the secondary and tertiary issues that the patient might be experiencing. It is Neuman’s understanding that once these key stressors are isolated and dealt with accordingly, the overall health of the patient will necessarily improve. By seeking to localize and treat these key stressors, both physiological as well as others, the nursing professional can gain a great deal of inference on what ultimate causes which affect the health and outlook of the patient may be (Beckman 2012). Likewise, an example of such a path of action could necessarily be the fact that a patient is exhibiting symptoms that are indicative of a key stressor that medical healthcare professions have not yet localized or considered with regards to the treatment plan. Th is particular theory allows the nursing professional to approach each and every patient with a broad based understanding that very often the case will be that the key underlying causes of pain, discomfort, or need for treatment will not be expressly manifest to the healthcare professional at first glance and will require a degree of personal understanding, interaction, and appreciation for the unique subset of needs that the given patient might require (Hayden 2012). Further, I agree with the respondent that in Neuman’s theory it is the responsibility of all practitioners to not rely too heavily upon any one given theory as a means of explaining any and all patient interaction (Clark 2012). Due to the fact that theory in question approaches the issue of nursing and healthcare administration from such an open perspective, it is perhaps better than most in helping to acquaint the healthcare professional with the infinite complexities that doubtless exist when it comes to provid ing services to affected patients (Mercks et al 2012). In this way, although Neuman’s theory goes a long way in assisting the professional to approach each and every situation with an open mind and to think outside of the box, the fact of the matter is that even after such an approach has been effected, the theory requires that the practitioner assume that a hidden level of meaning therefore exists within the treatment and underlying causes that afflict the patient in question. Such an assumption may or may not be true; however, to assume that in every situation there exists something that does not meet the eye is both foolish and presumptive (Cobb 2012). As such, such a level of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Hiroshima bomb Essay Example for Free
The Hiroshima bomb Essay The Hiroshima bomb, dropped in (insert year, i forget which) was a deadly atomic bomb that drastically affected the lives of Japanese citizens in both novels and in reality. In the fictional novel, The Street of a Thousand Blossoms, written by Gail Tsukiyama, the author portrays a very accurate perspective of the Japanese and their experiences during World War II. The tragedies that are descriptively discussed in this novel similarly resemble the incidents that occurred to the Japanese victims during World War II. The Japanese suffered extremely throughout the few years of the war. They went through periods of starvation and psychological devastation when the economy spiraled downwards.The financial state of the Japanese suffered a terrible blow as a result of the large amounts of invested money put into the military in hopes of expanding the imperialism ideology. In the novel, Hiroshi could not understand why â€Å"Yanaka’s alleyways were crowded with women and children who lined up and waited for hours for meagre rations of rice and salted fish. (Tsukiyama 51)†After the bombing of Pearl Harbour, the American embargoes stopped all the needed resources in Japan. The American oil embargo caused a crisis in Japan. Reliant on the US for 80% of its oil, the Japanese were forced to decide between withdrawing from China, negotiating an end to the conflict, or going to war to obtain the needed resources elsewhere (embedded http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/worldwarii/a/wwiipaccauses.htm). â€Å"†¦Hiroshi couldn’t remember the last time they had any meat or fresh fish to eat. He and Kenji ate more and more slowly, trying to make what little they had in their bowls last longer. (Tsukiyama 69)†All the villagers in Yanaka, including Hiroshi were not accustomed to povertybecause of the luxurious lives they lived before the crisis occured. Now, they â€Å"fear and dread of the war and their increasing hunger weighs heavily on everyone’s minds (Tsukiyama 69)†. Because of the second Sino-Japanese war, the Japanese had to cut down imports of goods to pay for the materials for railway and ship building industries. The American embargoes prevented any goods from being exported to Japan. Therefore, Japan began to have a shortage of food and other necessities. This caused havoc in Japan which was vividly portrayed in the novel, when Hiroshi and his family struggle to survive and ration each of their resources. Satoko Matsumoto, a survivor of the Hiroshima bombing stated, â€Å"One after another, people died, some of them with a cry for water on their lips (Embedded p31 Harris)†Matsumoto’s state was very similar to Hiroshi’s perspective as everyone solely cares about is the hunger that’s assaulting their stomach. As if the starvation running rampant in the country was not devastating enough, the bombing on Hiroshima plunged Japan into further chaos. The bombing of Hiroshima killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese citizens. The survivors were forced to lose many loved ones, and scarring their lives forever. In the {insert novel name}, Kenji and Haru were both present during the dropping of the bomb and their thoughts reflected the same ones as citizens who experienced the catastrophe in reality. The author states, â€Å"Can you imagine a wind so strong that it ripped a man’s face away where he stood? Can you imagine how internal organs exploded, clothes and bodies burst into flames, disintegrated on the spot? Can you envision a mushroom cloud formed by smoke and debris that could be seen for miles by the naked eye, followed by a black rain falling, black tears they called it, radiation spreading in its wake? Those who died were the lucky ones; those who lived through it would never be the same. (Tsukiyama 140)†These memories will always haunt Haru’s mind as even 3 years later, she â€Å"still felt a sharp burning in her palms and the tips of her fingers, and suddenly the three years disappeared and she was twelve years old again, hooking her arm through Aki’s as they ran and ran, their eyes stinging, lungs burning, running through the thick acrid smoke back to the stable, running fast so that her little sister wouldn’t see the burned bodies writhing in agony, pleading for water. (Tsukiyama 181) The fire weakened Haru’s vision and her hands were paralyzed. Her sister Aki suffered hair loss due to the radiation caused by the bomb. As of November 1945, an estimated 130,000 were dead. Both Haru and Aki suffered through the symptoms due to radioactive rays. Aki later died of Leukemia and left Haru behind devastated. Katsuko Horibe was a teacher at Honkawa Elementary School when the incident happened. â€Å"Seven Honkawa students, burning and bleeding, their uniform s in tatters and strips of skin hanging from their bodies, lay crying in agony. The children had been playing hide-and-seek when the bomb found them.†(embedded) The horrific memories of Horibe were concealed in her mind just like Aki and Haru until the day she died. â€Å"Blood was caked on her skin and clothes, as she was starting to feel intense pain.†(embedded) Seven year old Michiko Kodomas classmates were playing outside when it happened. â€Å"Kodoma says what she witnessed next are horrors that no child should ever experience. ‘[There were] people whose eyeballs had popped out their sockets. There were those who held their babies – burnt black; they themselves had no skin. There were those whose intestines had come out of their bodies, and confused they struggled to put them back in.’ (embedded) The visions that Michiko saw were exactly what Haru tried to prevent Aki from witnessing. Uragashira, a survivor of the Hiroshima bombing as well as the Nagasaki bombing 3 days later recalled, â€Å"I still remember the smell of charred bodies and the weak screams of the dying, for water Even if I suffer dementia, I will never forget it.†(Embedded) This proves how gruesome and appalling the disaster was. Tsukiyama graphically portrayed these dreadful and terrifying memories through the words of Haru and the voices of the dead. Her interpretations of the suffrage of the Japanese were very concise and accurate.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
John Keats Speech :: essays papers
John Keats Speech The writer I have chosen to speak about is the romanticist John Keats. I chose this particular poet as I believe his ideas are the best expressed of the composers we have studied. I have looked at "Ode on a Grecian Urn," "Ode on Melancholy" and "Ode to Autumn" and I think some important comparisons can be drawn from them. Each poem has been chosen because I think that the ideas conveyed in them are among the more significant in Keats's works. "Ode on a Grecian Urn" discuses the idea of immortality in a picture, and how if a moment is captured on an urn then does it exist always? It seems the theme of this poem came from a phrase of Leonardo DiVinci: "Cosa bella mortal passa e non d'arte." Translated, this means mortal beauties pass away, but not those of art. "Ah, happy, happy boughs! That cannot shed your leaves, nor ever bid the spring adieu." Keats uses personification in this example to make the tree branches seem like they are happy and enjoying the situation. In the third stanza the word "forever" is repeated: "And, happy melodist, unwearied. Forever piping songs forever new. More happy love, more happy, happy love. Forever warm and still to be enjoyed. Forever panting, and forever young." This repitition is done to draw attention to the word forever which makes the reader appreciate the true meaning of the poem, which is the debate over immortality and death and what immortality means. The second poem I have studied is "Ode on Melancholy." The idea behind this poem is that with any intense feeling of joy and happiness, a sad and melancholy feeling must accompany it. Or to simplify this, what goes up must come down. This poem is an escape from the inevitable pain as to expect a light not to cast shadows. Keats uses personification in this poem. "Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud." And, "Veiled melancholy has her sovran shrine." These two examples use personification to exaggerate the feelings being expressed and to help explain Keat's thoughts. To help explain joys and melancholy's interactions Keats personifies joy to be a male and melancholy to be female. This helps the reader understand how joy and melancholy are contributing factors to each other. The third and final poem I have studied is "Ode to Autumn.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Compare and Contrast US and Canada Capital Cities Essay
Washington dc and Ottawa share much in common in terms of geography, but they have also taken divergent paths in terms of history and culture. Originally inhabited by Native Americans, both were colonized by Europeans and later developed into two independent capitals. By 1500s, the European’s migration to North America had begun CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). Europeans came to North America in search of land, valuable minerals, religious and political freedom. The European migrants came from England, France, and Spain, where they settled in colonies. Washington dc was founded on rebellion and the cult of seeking independence while Ottawa was formed through consensus among the public servants CITATION Mil11 l 1033 (Miller, 2011). While both cities share similar histories with regard to their former colonizers the British monarch, they bear divergent attitudes towards their formers colonizers. In the year 1763, France was forced to abandon most of its North American territory to the British Empire, which was a union of Scotland and England. Conflicts arose between the Native Americans and the colonial settlers as they sought to occupy the land. Most Native Americans were pushed out of their lands and their culture was nearly destroyed as a result of the conflict CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). When the British government imposed new taxes and restriction on the freedoms of Native Americans in 1760s, all the thirteen British colonies were angered and they fought against the British to attain independence. The result was a new independent country, the United States of America. Most Americans rejected the British monarchy and set up a republic, a type of government whereby people could elect their own leaders, including the head of states. Consequently, they elected George Washington as their first president CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). As some American colonists did not wish to break ties with the British monarch, they sought to leave the newly formed country. Over hundred thousand people known as the loyalist moved out of the United States and settled in the French populated regions of Quebec, which was controlled by the British monarch. In the early 1800s, French and English speaking communities in the British North America were in constant conflict over the colonial government policies CITATION Mil11 l 1033 (Miller, 2011). However, they were soon brought together due to fears of a takeover by the United States. In the year 1867, four of the colonies – Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova scout- united under Prime Minister A. MacDonald, to from the united provinces of the dominion of Canada. This was a new country under the British Empire. Other neighboring areas such as British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, also become provinces of Canada CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). Nowadays, Canada encompasses the ten provinces and another three territories, the Nunavut, the Yukon Territory and the North West territories. Currently, both the governments run from Ottawa and Washington dc are democracies with federal systems, whereby the national governments share power with provinces or the state governments CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). However, the United States governments tends to tilt more towards democracy while Canada is more conservative. Indeed, the United States has been amending laws in accordance to the democratic rights of its citizens. This has been had been a strategy stated back in 1787, the united states leaders wanted to create a strong national government whilst preserving the structures individual states and citizens CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). Therefore, a plan called the constitutional amendments was drafted so that the constitution could be adjusted to conform to the countries changing needs. The first ten amendments were known as the bill of rights, and they guaranteed the citizens fundamental rights, such as the freedoms of religion, speech and press. Canada, on the other hand, was formed as a dominion, which was essentially a self-governing country with close links with the British monarch. Ottawa gained full independence from the British Empire in 1931, but the British governments still held the rights to approve any changes made to the constitution of Canada CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). It was not until 1982 that this legislative link to the British government was severed. During its founding, Canada had a strong central government, with very little powers shred to the individual provinces. However, over the years, the powers given to the provinces has significantly increased CITATION For10 l 1033 (Forsey, 2010). The form of government in Ottawa is a constitutional monarch. The executive arm of the Canadian government encompasses the governor general, the prime minister and the cabinet CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). In this government, the British monarch is still acts as the head of state. Additionally, the British monarch appoints the governor general in order to act in his or her place. The national legislature is known as the parliament, and it is made up of the senate and the House of Commons. The prime minister is the leaders of the majority political party in the parliament and serves as the actual head of government. The supreme court of Canada is composed of nine judges, and it is the country’s highest court CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). On the other hand, the government in Washington is made up of three branches; the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. The executive arm of the government encompasses the president, the vice president, and all the executive departments that control various division of the federal government CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). The president’s cabinet is made up of the heads of these departments. They also double up as special advisors. Elected state representatives makeup the senate and the House of Representatives. The senate and House of Representatives make up the legislative branch of the government. Meanwhile, the judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts. While English is the official language and the main language in Washington dc, Ottawa has both English and French as the two official languages. Due to the immigration of people from all various parts of the world to Canada and the United States, there are other languages used, albeit in the few minority ethnicities CITATION Mil11 l 1033 (Miller, 2011). The immigrants from Great Britain came with the English language to United States and most parts of Canada. However, in some Canadian provinces such as Quebec and cities such as Ontario and Ottawa, French is included as the official language since some of the provinces population is made up descendants of French settlers who had arrived there between 1500s and 1700s CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). Since the French-speaking Canadians in the city wanted more protection for their culture and language, they sought to for the recognition and use of French language as part of the official language in Ottawa. Although both cities have a number of differences as mentioned above, they also exhibit several similarities. Firstly, Both Ottawa and Washington dc are capital cities of Canada and the United States respectively. Unlike other capitals such as London, Tokyo or Mexico City, both are not the unrivaled centers of gravity of their respective countries CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). Fundamentally, both are political capitals and not cultural or economic capital cities. They are both government cities and not megacities. However, they both manage to maintain a cosmopolitan atmosphere and a profile of much bigger proportions than their own size. In addition, neither of them were their countries initial capitals. Although they both have neighborhoods that were formerly colonial towns, the two cities developed around national politics and for most of the time, the government was at the center of everything CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). Both Ottawa and Washington dc exemplify a distinguishing North American federal urbanism. While both cities have a population of less than a million, they have several monuments, museums and embassies CITATION Swe02 l 1033 (Swerdlow, 2002). Tourist visit both cities to experience the historical foundations of the two North American countries, Canada, and the United States. Both Ottawa and Washington dc are filled with stylish Victorian houses and neoclassical public buildings. Additionally, they both have several impressively designed office blocks. For instance, Ottawa has a bureaucratic brutalist wonderland while in Washington dc there is the J. Edgar Hoover building at the pentagon’s scale CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). The two cities have adopted approach to urban development that is centered on housing and amenities targeted to the professional classes, causing a wave of growth that has boosted a renaissance of downtown livability. Washington dc and Ottawa have a similar educational system. This includes a network of both public and private schools. Both cities have compulsory education requirements. In addition, the Canadian provinces and the United States have a 12-grade school system. There are universities and colleges in both cities. In terms of the rate of literacy, both the US and Canada have literacy rate of 97 percent CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). The cultural influences of the United States and Canada, which are headquartered in Washington dc and Ottawa respectively, is strongest in the discipline of popular entertainment. Indeed, both the United States and Canada have had a profound impact throughout the world through their popular culture CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). In the 1900s, the US was the world’s most dominant source of entertainment and trendy fashion, ranging from the t- shirts and the jeans to the television programs, movies and rock stars. Even nowadays, Hollywood has become synonymous with the film industry. On its part, the Canada film industry which receives backing from Ottawa, is renowned for its shakes hers festivals that are held annually in Ontario. Therefore, the entertainment cultures in both cities has greatly shaped and influenced the entertainment industry thought the world CITATION Bar13 l 1033 (Barret, 2013). Being the citizens of two of the world’s wealthiest capital cities, people in both Ottawa and Washington dc enjoy a high standard of living. Due to their socioeconomic status or their level of educational income, the citizens of both cities have an advantage over the personal opportunities and choices. Due to the support systems in place that ensure agricultural surplus in both the United States and Canada, foods are fairly inexpensive. The housing varies considerably depending on the needs of families and individuals CITATION Bel11 l 1033 (Belanger, 2011). They range from suburban houses to multifamily row houses to high rise apartments. References  Barret, M. (2013). Interculturalism and multiculturalism: similarities and differences. London: Council of Europe. Belanger, D.-C. (2011). Prejudice and Pride: Canadian Intellectuals Confront the United States, 1891-1945. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Forsey, E. A. (2010). How Canadians govern themselves. Ottawa: Library of Parliament. Miller, K. (2011). FOLLOWING THE AMERICAN LEAD: CANADA’S DIPLOMACY. Wellington: Heritage. Swerdlow, J. L. (2002). The cultural geography of the united states and Canada. New York: National Geographic. Source document
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