Friday, September 4, 2020
Taxation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Tax collection - Assignment Example Charles’s language of correspondence is English despite the fact that he comprehends a tad of French having contemplated French as a subject in school. Charles Antoine’s Social Insurance Number (SIN) is 193-456-787. Latesa Kiki, who is Charles’s spouse, fills in as a Social and Health Care Service supplier in a neighborhood Health and Social Care office in Montreal Quebec. Latesa’s overall gain for the year 2013 after case after credits is $80,000. Her Social Insurance Number is 193-567-674.The measure of Universal Care Benefit (UCCB) from line 117 of Latesa’s salary is $1200 while the measure of Universal Child Benefit reimbursement from the line 213 of her arrival is $800 Charles Antoine is paid $9000 every month as his pay by the bank He works for. Aside from this salary, he got $150,100 from an investment property he had yet sold it in 2013.Charles likewise maintains a private issue in his local where his more youthful works for him as the administrator of the endeavor. Fro the private issue, he can procure a normal of $2000 every month regarding salary. Charles is a firm individual from his congregation and consistently, he offers $300 to his congregation which is an enrolled foundation in Canada under the government and domain laws. From his salary, a few reasonings are regularly made every month. Charles contributes towards the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and towards the Employment Insurance advantage. Aside from his congregation commitment, he likewise contributes $150 consistently towards the social and administration wellbeing section of land office where his significant other works. This office is additionally an enlisted foundation association which helps the older and the oppressed in Montreal. To ascertain the RRSP, it is critical to recognize what Charles earned in the earlier year so as to decide his RRSP finding limit (Canadian Tax Calculator, 2014). Earned salary incorporates the work profit (t4), rental pay, net business pay and provision got and some other advantage.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
In the context of environmental toxicology, what does 'heavy metal' Essay
With regards to ecological toxicology, what does 'overwhelming metal' really mean - Essay Example Be that as it may, this suspicion has no key premise on the accessible toxicological or synthetic information. Lawful guidelines have indicated a stock of substantial metals applied in different circumstances. There is no definition that is legitimate in writings that are pertinent. There is a propensity of accepting that every substantial metal related to their mixes have properties that are exceptionally eco-harmful or poisonous. Ostensibly, this suspicion has no demonstrate in toxicological or concoction information. Henceforth, the term substantial metal is misdirecting and good for nothing. Moreover, the word metal is additionally abused in enactment and toxicological information. In these written works it is utilized to mean a metal that is unadulterated and the whole species synthetic in which it happens. This is false on the grounds that, every single unadulterated metal can not display comparative toxicological and substance properties. For motivations behind staying away fr om the term substantial metal, there is requirement for renaming of the intermittent table as individuals allude to the term overwhelming metal as deceiving and insignificant. The adjustment in arrangement should reflect people comprehension of poisonousness synthetic premise and give space to the expectation of harmful effects. Order of substantial metals The expanded concern on natural contamination decrease has set off the proceeded with writing and exploration on overwhelming metals toxicology (Rabajczyk et al., 2011). Substantial metals emanate their poisonous substances through the arrangement of edifices with exacerbates that are natural. These in the end results to development of altered organic atoms that lose their working capacity. The result is influenced cell breakdown or passing. The most well-known overwhelming metals that structure natural aggravates that are mind boggling are, for example, oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen. Grouping of substantial metals is finished relyi ng upon which class it lies. For instance class A have a place with the hard metals, class be recognizes delicate metals and in conclusion we have the middle of the road metals. Substantial metals, for example, Mercury, Lead and cadmium fall under class B which speaks to delicate metals. Then again chromium is a moderate metal. The order of these metals changes relying upon their synthetic equation. How Heavy Metal Occurs in the Environment Through causes that are both anthropogenic and regular, substantial metals discover their way into nature. The significant discharge causes are human sources, for example, mining tasks. Substantial metals are uncovered into nature in structures that are both inorganic and natural. Anthropogenic wellsprings of discharges happen from both point and non-point sources, for example, modern regions, for example, present and past destinations of mining, smelters and foundries and side-effects and deals ignition. The contamination of nature by substantia l metals is intense in mining areas and it diminishes as the separation broadens from those mining destinations. The overwhelming metals are frequently drained into the dirt and ground water. Those in messy zones discover their way into the water bodies through surface overflow. The overwhelming metals in the long run append themselves to the silt while some hole into the waters underground coming about to their sullying. Underground and surface water sources overwhelming metal tainting prompts soil contamination. Presentation of the substantial metals to air and downpour is by means of dumping on a superficial level soil. Contamination of Agricultural soils results to the take-up of the overwhelming metals by plants coming about to their gathering in the plant tissues. These subsequently happen to those marine creatures and household
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Case Analysis, Turnaround of JC Penny Assignment
Case Analysis, Turnaround of JC Penny - Assignment Example With the quickly changing client way of life and inclination, the retailer can investigate adjusting its contributions like including all the more low-evaluated things in its product. JCPenney can likewise exploit globalization by opening new stores in quickly creating economies. 1. Seek after relationship advertising. Relationship promoting is currently getting basic in acknowledgment of the lifetime esteem that recurrent exchanges from a solitary client can bring. Relationship showcasing will help JCPenney by developing client reliability, bringing down exchange expenses, and more focused on advertising. Be that as it may, this new procedure will get more costs; will require the presentation of another corporate culture; and preparing of human asset. 3. Improve valuing. Since clients are scanning for stylish yet high worth items, JCPenney ought to improve its valuing. Improved evaluating will pull in more clients, uplift request, and addition their steadfastness. Nonetheless, value cuts may hurt the organization by diminishing edges and dissolve organization's picture. This case examination suggests that the best procedure that JCPenney can seek after is relationship promoting. The organization can actualize this through its database of clients.
Blacks Of The Bible Essay Research Paper
Blacks Of The Bible Essay, Research Paper Blacks of the Bible Any push to set up a generally perceived articulation with respect to the nearness of inkinesss in the Old Testament would be vain for a few grounds. To start with, current meanings of a dark or Negro individual may contrast extraordinarily subject to the setting of their utilization, and henceforth any overview intended to demo the nearness of inkinesss in the Bible would be constrained to the definition utilized by either the essayist or the peruser of such a study. Plus, the develop of race characterized on a balance of skin shading altogether has been the nearly youthful imaginative movement of the Euro-driven western universe, station seventeenth century. Because of this reality, it is once in a while elusive unmistakably the race of arranged people groups or people in the Bible ; the individuals of scriptural occasions do non parcel a similar develop of race that we convey today. Actually the Hebrew people groups themselves appear non to be of an unadulterated racial strain of any shading, yet rather the family tree of the Hebrew individuals, as will be demonstrated in this way, is by all accounts dissipated with interracial marriages and individuals of most all races including the Negro race. Hence, it is non my exertion with this article to show a careful or significant history of all the dark people groups and people in the Old Testament. Or maybe it was my would like to get down to inquire about the essentialness individuals of the Negro race fasten in these antiquated writings, to occur out the capacity that these individuals held in the ascent and harvest time of the Hebrew state, and the segment that was played by Negroes in the working out of God? s will for his kin. The history that I will gracefully is put together most for the most part with respect to comparable surveies introduced by Afro-american scriptural bookmans Cain Hope Felder and Charles B. Copher. In any case, I have non taken the expressions of these work powers without a grain of salt, and I was sure to peruse their study with their book in one manus and the Bible in the other. What I discovered was that individuals of dull covering played an of import work in simply about each contemporary dating about back to God? s innovative action of grown-up male. I had expected to happen a couple of dissipated notices to African people groups or a couple of arbitrary narratives of people who had gone from the African mainland, yet my study uncovered that individuals of dull covering, who great might be viewed as dark by today? s racial models, were discovered dissipated about the conditions of the antiquated universe. Beginnings of the Negro Race One of the first or most evident requests that might be approached when get bringing down to search for the nearness of inkinesss in the Old Testament is as for the start of darker looking races. A coherent topographic point to get down this chase might be in the plain cluster of states introduced in Genesis 10:1-14 and again recorded in 1 Histories 1:8-16. This rundown starts with Noah and narratives for the scattering of his boies to get down repopulating the Earth after the incredible immersion history in Genesis. In this even exhibit of states we locate that two of the named boies of Ham are known darker looking races. These being the families of Cush and the successors of Canaan. The most typically acknowledged ground for the abrupt visual perspective dull covering inside the family tree is identified with the interjection Noah set upon Ham in Genesis 9:25-27. Despite the fact that non unequivocally expressed in the content, it is overall acknowledged that Ham? s covering was tu rned dim as a result of this interjection, and his successors were so bound to move a similar evaluation. There are, in any case, different theories for the start of the dark races. The first of these speculations, communicated in antediluvian Babylonian fantasy, recommends that Ham polluted himself in a sexual demonstration with the Canis familiaris while on the Ark. For this demonstration of befoulment, swearwords were put on both the Canis familiaris and Ham. Ham? s interjection was that he and his successors would be dark cleaned. The accompanying hypothesis proposes that the Negro race truly started back with Adam and Eve? s chief kid Cain, who was turned dark by the cinders of his improper contribution to God. The hypothesis that Cain was in actuality the male parent of the Negro race was a marginally common thought among Europeans back each piece far as the twelfth century, and perchance more remote as Cain? s children are delineated as dark cleaned in the account of Beowulf. Be that as it may, this hypothesis has just been made way of thinking in the Mormon church. This hypothesis is intently attached to the account of Ham, by recommending that Ham accepting a descendent of Cain as his wedded lady, in this manner bring forthing darker looking posterity in Cush and Canaan. Still others hypothesize that the plain cluster of states appeared in Genesis and 1 Corinthians is a rundown of states that is simply comprehensive of the states inside the scope of discernment of the author, and in actuality the entirety of the races recorded there are Caucasoid races. Among those rejected from this rundown would be the Indians, Chinese, Mongolians, Malaysians, and the Negroes. The hypothesis proposes that there were different races of free line of drop that were obscure to the author at the clasp of the Hagiographas. It appears this would be unequivocally ruined by the set up perfect that the incredible immersion was proposed to ignore all individuals from the Earth, rescue Noah? s family unit. It would in this way be expected that all races of the Earth are descendent of Noah. Whatever the record for the start of darker looking races, Negro individuals unmistakably have been descendent of Noah? s kid Ham, and it is told in Genesis that Ham? s posterity were the individuals who settled and fabricated such extraordinary antiquated metropoliss as Babylon, Nineveh, Sodom, and Gomorrah. In the Patriarchal Period Fitting to Genesis 11:31 Abraham, so Abram, was brought up in the city of Ur of the Chaldeans, whose tenants included numerous darker looking individuals relative doubtlessly from Babylonian settlers. Included among these individuals were simply the Sumarian individuals who alluded as the # 8220 ; dark headed 1s, # 8221 ; characteristic of covering shading non only dark hair. Abram took his wedded lady Sarai while as yet populating in Ur. Allowed there is no communicated indicant that either Abraham or his hitched lady was naturally introduced to a family unit with Negro legacy, yet the incredible dark nearness in the piece of his family? s starting without a doubt implies that one should at any rate engage that chance. So it is reasonable to accept that the incredible patriarch himself, the male parent of the Hebrew individuals, may hold had some dark blood in him. Despite the nearness of Negro blood in Abraham? s line of plummet it is most likely evident that he had a lot of contact with darker looking individuals in the clasp that he and Sarah spent in Egypt and Canaan. Both of these nations were settled by the families of Ham, and were possessed most for the most part by darker looking individuals. Abraham and Sarah took an Egyptian housemaid named Hagar when they went to Canaan, out of Egypt. It was accordingly through the Egyptian, Hagar, that Abraham bore his first kid Ishmael. Since Ishmael was brought into the world outside God? s minimized with Abraham, he and his female parent were at last sent off, however they settled in the part just E of Egypt and it is all things considered accepted that he took an Egyptian wedded lady and fathered the Arab race. In Egypt and the Exodus Egypt was a place where there is individuals of all colourss, however it has become increasingly more clear in late grant that the extraordinary province of Egypt has been progressively an inferred capacity of the African states relative of Cush than of any in the middle of eastern people groups. In add-on to this, albeit most Egyptians were non as darker looking as their Ethiopian neighbors toward the South, the tremendous greater part of Egyptians had sufficient dark blood in them that they would clearly hold been considered Negroes by most any definition utilized today. This reality is simply strengthened by the perception that the Psalms over and again idyllically allude to Egypt as # 8220 ; the place where there is Ham # 8221 ; ( Ps. 78:51, 105:23, 106:22 ) . It must be recollected other than that the Hebrew individuals lived in servitude in Egypt for more than 400 mature ages. Coevals after coevals of Hebrew was conceived, lived, kicked the bucket and was covered in the place that is known for the Egyptian. During this all-inclusive clasp period there is indi cation of in any event a sprinkling of Hebrew grown-up females being taken by Egyptian work powers for a hitched lady, and one of Pharaoh? s young ladies, Bithiah, wedded a Hebrew grown-up male, and their children are incorporated among the families of Judah after the ostracize, in 1 Histories 4:17-18. Through all the coevalss that came and passed while in the place where there is Egypt it is sure that a portion of these individuals came out of the land with a different legacy. An ideal representation of this different legacy is in the blood line of Moses. Huge numbers of the individuals from Moses? family bear unmistakably Egyptian names, most strikingly: Aaron, Hophni, Merari, Miriam, Putiel, Phinehas, and even the name of Moses himself. While the greater part of these names may perchance hold been picked by circumstance and non to propose Egyptian, or Negro blood, the name Phinehas stands apart as a potential list of the dark blood that ran in Moses family. Eleazar, Moses nephew through his sibling Aaron, named his previously conceived Phinehas ( Ex. 6:25 ) which actually implies # 8220 ; the Nubian # 8221 ; or # 8220 ; the Negro. # 8221 ; In add-on to the chance of dark blood running in Moses? ancestry it without a vulnerability went through his families, through his Midian wedded lady Zipporah. At a certain point after the departure from Egypt, Aaron and Miriam truly talked horribly of Moses and his # 8220 ; Cu*censored*e # 8221 ; wedded lady, Zipporah ( Num. 12:1 ) . In Israel and Judah Through the clasp of the Judges we keep on observing the outgrowth of Egyptian legacy in the blood lines of Moses and Aaron. The historical backdrop of Eli and his two boies, f
Friday, August 21, 2020
Problem of Societal Inequalities in Modern Society
Presentation The general public spotlights such a great amount on us as people, censuring us for the conditions in our lives at that point overlooks the powers at neutralize us to prevail throughout everyday life. It has a by and large task to carry out in the embellishment of our lives, yet it is just to a certain expand. It characterizes us through our inner self and decides our fate. Be that as it may, regardless of whether one can ascend from destitution to wealth doesn't rely upon the conditions around him/her alone, yet in addition on the potential inside the person. It is the capacity and will to prevail in life that matter.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Problem of Societal Inequalities in Modern Society explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More There might be difficulties in transit, yet when taken decidedly, challenges get ready us as we move towards our predetermination. The general public powers us to surrender to the idea that the world class not many; the rich, are there to manage and the poor will consistently be there, making a few of us shut the entryway of chances to progress. By what method would it be a good idea for us to then find some kind of harmony between the basic courses of action and our endeavors to make the best of our lives? Imbalances The riches and salary disparities unquestionably influence and direct the monetary structure of any general public together with its social system. It is intriguing how the connection between these zones change after some time, molding a specific culture into various gatherings and classes of people. A lopsidedness of chances and assets emerges suggesting more conversation starters than answers by and large. No person is an island; we live in a general public. This is a reality I am completely mindful of, remembering that the society’s job is critical. My feeling of worth originates from a lot of measures the general public has set down for me. In making my superficial points of interest, those things that describe my character and my encompassing had the best effect. The images needed to recognize me from others. Much the same as the rich have a method of characterizing their own gauges, making norms, which separate themselves from the rest. This incorporates what to drive, the suburb to live, apparel, lodging, and every single other perspective concerning ways of life. The rich direct what design is, and what isn't in style. By the by, as an individual, fitting in such a way of life difference, presents a definitive result of riches imbalance. There is and ought to consistently be a breaking point to the degree the general public impacts my disposition, will to succeed, and at last predetermination. It might have enormous weight on me as a person in my excursion to join the world class in the general public. Indeed, there are conditions past my exertion, yet this doesn't mean I surrender my capacity to succeed. The general public pre sents disparity in asset conveyance, with the rich apparently being supported. I see individual recognizable proof as of vital significance in conquering all types of disparities. Social imbalance characterizes individuals into classifications or classes, for the most part dependent on their financial status, political tendency, and training. My own recognizable proof is the main apparatus that can outperform any of these difficulties. It decides if I will surrender to any class partiality paying little heed to my current position.Advertising Looking for paper on sociologies? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This sort of approach is indispensable in relieving the financial imbalances in our social orders. It is of no utilization to have in the midst of us, individuals going hungry while others include enormous riches inside our compass. Despite the fact that not the entirety of our lives can be the equivalent, the disparities c an be limited if the general public turned out to be increasingly benevolent. To place in a basic and clear representation; nobody can go in two vehicles simultaneously, or rest on two rooms simultaneously. Consequently, this shows the significance of characterizing what our identity is, and what we need throughout everyday life. Neglecting to do that, infers we will snatch whatever we can get our hands on in light of the fact that we think we need it, regardless of whether we don't. The outcome is the development of incredibly affluent individuals in the general public while others endure. I can't get away from the certainty of social imbalance, yet the convictions it accompanies, are not to impart despondency or drive me into a safe place, an express that stops any advancement and exacerbates the issue of disparity. The general public possibly industrialist; all things considered, this should go about as a type of positive rivalry towards correspondence. In an industrialist societ y, the methods for creation are exclusive by a couple while the greater part works for them. The proprietors have right to security of their properties. Regardless of whether I own any methods for creation or I am only a representative, achievement relies upon the degree of what I accomplish as opposed to needing to have more than others do. Needing to have more than others opens the entryway for avarice, which later on, devastates the parity of class on the general public, slanting it at an intense point of both social and monetary imbalance. End Structural game plans are not to be disregarded. The status isolation made inside the general public is an essential truth we can likewise not overlook. The well off have a method of generalizing the low class as a feature of their property; individuals of another species or having no privilege at all, to resemble them. To them, being not able to make much out of life is a result of not investing enough energy. The rich expertise to get ri ch and look after riches. They own the methods for creation, and the poor are a piece of that. In the event that the poor get rich, nobody would work for them. Somewhat, it is an issue of ethical quality. A little level of the rich own more than they need to the detriment of others, consequently the issue of cultural disparity involves ethics. This article on Problem of Societal Inequalities in Modern Society was composed and put together by client Raphael Watts to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; nonetheless, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Facts About OCD Symptoms and Diagnosis
Facts About OCD Symptoms and Diagnosis OCD Print Facts About Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder By Owen Kelly, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on June 18, 2019 JGI/Jamie Grill / Getty Images More in OCD Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Types Living With OCD Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Can Cause Significant Anxiety Insight Into Symptoms Who It Affects Starts in Teens/Early Adulthood OCD Gene Not Identified No Blood Test or X-Ray Effective Treatments Stress Can Make Symptoms Worse Chronic Mental Illness Live a Productive Life View All Back To Top Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder characterized by overwhelming, obsessive thoughts and compulsions. These obsessive thoughts and repetitive behaviors can have a significant impact on your life but can be helped through a number of medical interventions. Whether you are living with OCD or supporting someone with the condition, here are 10 facts about OCD you should know: 1. OCD Can Cause Significant Anxiety If you have OCD, you may experience severe anxiety as a result of obsessive thoughts. Oftentimes, rituals or compulsions are used to reduce the anxiety caused by obsessions. These behaviors include: Repeatedly checking to make sure doors are locked.Counting objects, letters, or words.Rearranging objects to ensure a specific order or symmetry.Doing things in multiples, such as turning the lights on and off five times because five is a good number. OCD is characterized by obsessions and compulsions, but the ways in which OCD symptoms manifest vary from person to person. If you have OCD, you may also have a tic disorder and experience repeated motor movements like blinking or facial tics. There are several subtypes of OCD, including an obsession with cleanliness, an obsession with symmetry and order, and hoarding. 2. Many People With OCD Have Insight Into Their Symptoms If you have OCD, you may recognize the irrationality or excessiveness of your obsessions or compulsions. This can be one of the most frustrating aspects of the disorder. 3. OCD Affects About 2.5 Percent of People Over Their Lifetime There is no difference in the rate of OCD among men and women. People of all cultures and ethnicity are affected, but there are several risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing this disorder, including: Age: You are most at risk for developing OCD during late adolescence. Once you reach early adulthood, the risk of developing OCD drops.Gender: Males and females are equally likely to develop OCD following puberty, but males are more likely to develop OCD during childhood.Genetics: Having family members with OCD significantly increases your risk. The closer that person is to your immediate family, the greater the risk, especially if their OCD began as a child or teenager.Traumatic life events: Stressful, traumatic events, such as sexual abuse or the death of a loved one, increase your risk.Brain structure: Although research isnt entirely clear, it is believed that there is a relationship between OCD symptoms and irregularities in the brain. 4. Symptoms of OCD Usually Start in Adolescence and Early Adulthood However, children as young as 4 can be affected. Although rare, OCD can also begin in late adulthood. Typically, most people are diagnosed at age 19. 5. A Single OCD Gene Has Not Been Identified Developing OCD is the result of a complex interaction between life experience and genetic risk factors. While no single gene has been identified, researchers know there is a genetic link from studies of twins, which showed when one twin has OCD the other is more likely to develop the condition. 6. OCD Can’t Be Diagnosed Using a Blood Test or X-Ray If you think you have OCD, you will need to see a trained mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, to get a diagnosis. The symptoms of OCD resemble other illnesses, so it is important to seek professional help. 7. Effective Treatments Are Available These include medications such as Prozac (fluoxetine), Zoloft (sertraline), Paxil (paroxetine) and Anafranil (clomipramine), which affect serotonin levels, as well as psychotherapies including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Medication and psychotherapy can be equally effective. Researchers are also looking into other therapies such as deep brain stimulation (DBS) for those with treatment-resistant OCD. 8. Stress Can Bring About or Make OCD Symptoms Worse Keeping your stress levels in check will go a long way toward reducing the severity and frequency of your symptoms. 9. OCD Is a Chronic Mental Illness Your focus should be on the day-to-day management of your symptoms, rather than curing yourself of the condition. 10. It Is Possible to Live a Full and Productive Life With OCD With good coping mechanisms and treatments in place, you can live a happy and productive life.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Inventions from Westward Expansion - Free Essay Example
Introduction: Do you like inventions?well,Im going to tell you about three of the INVENTIONS that we have similarities to today.The telegraph,the steam boat and the steam locomotive. Topic 1: The Telegraph Samuel morse created the telegraph because he thought people needed a better way to communicate with each other since they didnt have computers. Dots and dashes were used to code out the message and then translated to words for the person on the other end. Although cellphones are cool the telegraph is cooler.Heres why!different dots and dashes were used to create the message.The messages were able to be decoded by an operator. Topic 2: The Steamboat The steamboat was created by Robert Fulton.The steamboat runs On burnt wood or coal.The steamboat changed the way of life in the early 1800s. It was the fastest way of water travel back then.The first steamboat was 45 feet long. The steamboat is propelled by steam power,paddlewheels or driving propellers. Topic 3: The Steam Locomotive. The steam locomotive was created in 1830.It transported goods much faster than by horse.People would know when and where their goods would arrive. The steam powered engine helped in move efficiently.It also helped it go faster.It also uses pulling power.It was created by George Stephenson and his sons company,Robert Stephenson and company. The steam locomotive was created by George Stephenson and Richard Trevithick.It was created in 1830.It transported goods much faster than by horse.People would know when and where their goods would arrive.The steam powered engine helped it move more efficiently. It also helped it move faster. Conclusion If you want to compare and contrast you can!As you can see I told you about three of the inventions that changed the world for us humans.The telegraph,the steamboat and the steam locomotive.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Collective Activity Was The Dawn Of American Imperialism
The topic I examined in the collective activity was the â€Å"Dawn of American Imperialism.†The dawn of American imperialism was a time of expansion and also a time of war and racism. During this time America was increasing â€Å"its power by gaining control over other areas of the world†(Merriam-Webster). America was fighting a war in the Philippines to take control because Americans thought Filipinos’ could not govern themselves and were uneducated. Also America was trying to annex Hawaii even though the majority of Hawaiians were against the annexation. During this time people and companies such as Josiah strong, Rudard Kipling and Pearl’s soap were spreading racism and the belief that Anglo-Saxons were a superior race and should â€Å"impress its institutions upon man-kind†(Josiah Strong, â€Å"Our Country†). There were many primary sources that I consulted while studying my topic. In the text Voices of Freedom by Eric Foner I read about and studied the views of Josiah strong, Emilio Aguinaldo and Rudard Kipling. I studied an article titled The 1897 Petitions Protesting Annexation by Noenoe K. Silva from the University of Hawaii library website. I also studied two images in chapter 17 of Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! Online. The first image was titled â€Å"A Trifle Embarrassed†and the second image was a Pears’ Soap ad image titled â€Å"The White Man’s Burden†Josiah strong was a Protestant Christian minister who wrote a book titled Our Country In 1885. In his book Josiah Strong talks aboutShow MoreRelatedSummary of 13 Chapters of Belize5562 Words  | 23 Pagesto clarify the formation and development of the present state. The presence of the British, in turn resulted from the coming of Christopher Columbus to the Americans and the subsequent incursions by various European powers. Columbus thought that he had lands in India. 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In 1996, t elve years after the disaster, Union Carbide became part of the Dow Chemical w Corporation, which flatly refused to assume any liabilities in India - or clean up the toxic poisons left behind saying that it was the responsibility of the Madhya Pradesh state government which had taken over the site. Today twenty five years since that fateful night, lakhs of people still living in the vicinity of the factory are exposed to toxic chemicals that continue to leach
Monday, May 18, 2020
Living with the Extreme Fear Created by Anxiety Disorders...
Anxiety disorders are mental disorders caused by extreme or severe anxiety often caused by overwhelming worries, fears, and stress. Phobic disorder, commonly known as phobia, is a type of anxiety disorder wherein the individual acquires an excessive and irrational fear of a particular object or situation, with the fear being out of proportion to the real threat. â€Å"The word [phobia] is derived from Phobos, the Greek god of fear, whose likeness was painted on masks and shields to frighten enemies in battle.†(Passer and Smith 537) Jennifer Ong defines phobia as a heightened sense of fear. Also, according to her, psychologists assert that the fears in phobia are usually based on irrational grounds. A fear develops into a phobia when a†¦show more content†¦The situations mentioned may indicate being involved in situations wherein escape is difficult or impossible (Gazzaniga et al. 536). According to Jennifer Ong, individuals with agoraphobia have a fear of leaving their homes or place of security. A person with this phobia fears to be alone in places wherein he thinks that his life will be at risk like bridges, crowded stores, and busy streets. In these situations, individuals would need the accompaniment of a family member or friend, since no one can predict when a panic attack can occur. Besides this, based on distribution, it is more common for women to suffer from agoraphobia than men. (Magee, 1996) The second type of phobic disorder is social phobia. According to John Santrock, â€Å"Social phobia is an intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. Individuals with this phobia are afraid that they will say or do the wrong thing.†Those with this phobia are afraid of being judged and evaluated negatively and of being made fun of. According to Ong, they fear groups of people, individuals, or specific situations. This phobia includes fear of speaking in public or being under scrutiny. It is sometimes referred to as stage fright. Fear of public speaking is said to be the most common kind of social phobia. Social phobia hinders the affected persons to socialize with others. The said individuals may be excessively self-conscious andShow MoreRelatedObsessive Compulsive Disorder ( Ocd )1224 Words  | 5 Pagesdistill information from the four articles provided to provide a more thorough understanding of the effects Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, otherw ise known as OCD, has on an individual. The paper will explain and interpret the link between obsession and compulsion that is characteristic of being diagnosed with OCD. In addition, this paper will describe the impact having this disorder can have on an individual in their day to day lives. 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The housing market was making huge financial gains by misleading buyers into buying home that were out of their budget, lenders and originator created unconventional mortgages to people who were at high risk for default. SEEK THE TRUTH. In John 8:32 the scriptures reads â€Å"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free†God’s truth always produces freedom, wholeness, and positiveRead MoreMental Illnesses Have Become A Serious Concern Today Essay1566 Words  | 7 Pagesthe idea an individual being diagnosed with a mental illness. People who suffer from any sort of mental illness have been labeled as â€Å"crazy, â€Å"psycho,†and â€Å"sick in the head.†Unfortunately, the denial and the unpleasant associating that society has created has led to families, cultures, and in everyone to deny any involvement with seeking professional help. Depression and denial are the two main symptoms a person can experience after the death of a loved one. Without professional treatment, an individual
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 1972 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Criminal Justice Essay Did you like this example? It has been seen all over the country, causing riots and looting. These controversial events that seemingly happen more often than ever. The racial discrimination of our criminal justice system some may say have hit an all-time high. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System" essay for you Create order Nobody is saying that everything about the system is wrong but one person summed it up better than I could. Carlos Berdejo wrote, â€Å"research examining racial disparities in the criminal justice process has focused on its two endpointsâ€â€the arrest and initial charging of defendants and judges’ sentencing decisions.†(Berdejo 1) This explains it best because it shows us the worst possible points in the process, and where discrimination is most evident. It is very important how you talk about these things to not misrepresent the problem with weak evidence. I want to show one thing here and that is this. Preconceived stereotypes and systematic racism are essential to the discrimination of people of color in the criminal justice system. Stereotypes can be as harmless as saying just because youre tall you should play sports. However, this isnt always the case, the criminal justice systems discrimination is based off stereotypes of people of color sometimes even over evidence. This isnt just a riding the wave of hype from social media and the top news channels. This problem has been broken down and examined hundreds maybe even thousands of times. The essay written by Berdejo was a great expression of this problem. Berdejo states, â€Å"White defendants are twenty-five percent more likely than black defendants to have their principal initial charge dropped or reduced to a lesser crime. This sort of problem will rarely be brought up because of the fact that they are found guilty just for different crimes. This sort of thing can be caused by many things, stereotypes for example. One stereotype you hear on the news about court cases is how dangerous to society the defendants are. If you put two and two together this is s aying that people of color are thereby considered more dangerous to society than whites. This can be one of two factors, either it is the jury that thinks this or perhaps maybe even the judges themselves. You can see the problem here. Article #7 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights from the United Nations puts it exactly how it should be, â€Å"All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.†Not a day goes by that we as a country will ever forget the horrors of what happened before and during the civil war era. That was so long ago there cant be a problem with that now, right? Ever since the Jim Crow Laws were redacted from use many people ask if they are really gone or just taken another form for present-day America. Allen Beck and Alfred Blumstein quote Michael Alexander’s The New Jim Crow (2010) claiming â€Å"The racial difference in prison is largely attributable to intentional emphasis on offenses that blacks commit.†(Beck Blumstein 854) This takes on a huge weight when someone claims this. It does have some substantial evidence of it. What is the difference from back then when they would arrest people of color for little to no reason? Now they can just lock you up for just being of color or maybe just give you an extended sentence. This just proves that previous history still plays a big role in the criminal justice system more than the evidence of the case. One example that you can maybe relate to just to let it sink in is this. When you see a retired professional athlete either working another job or just out and about you only think about who they were not about who they are now. They are just athletes to us nothing more nothing less, and I believe this same concept applies to people of color either before arrests or in the courtroom. In the US we have a saying in our courts and justice system â€Å"justice is blind†this means that no matter what race, religion, ethnicity, gender, etc, that you will be tried the same as everyone else. We know that no matter how hard we want to believe this it is simply not true. Donna Coker brings up an amazing point about a misconception that African Americans account for more drug convictions and arrests because they are more involved in violent trafficking gangs, therefore, it would make sense. (Coker 830) She then goes on to say this, â€Å"There is no empirical data that would prove the Governments claim and that data that does exists suggest that claim may be inaccurate.†(Coker 830) After analyzing this find It got me to think what would the reasoning be for the excessive arrests in the black community? Whatever the reasoning is the statistics do not side with lack of evidence to support the Governments conclusion. Coker says â€Å"though African Americans m ake up about 12 percent of the national population, they represent close to half of those who are incarcerated for crimes.†(Coker 831) Although these statistics are not exactly current I have yet to see anything to suggest a change. The conclusion I receive from this is that skin color/ethnicity plays a bigger role is sentencing and initial arrests then some evidence that could be presented. Racism is a word that gets thrown around a lot in todays day and age but many do not know what it actually means. It is very hard to decipher whether it is truly racism or just hate. This is what many believe is happening in the police departments and courts around the US. Many do not think it is racism involved or they might not be educated enough to talk about it. However, there are many cases and studies were done on this and some interesting experiences have been found putting the system we rely on into question. Deeply embedded racism is the cause of the unbalanced prisons over the actual crime rate. This is saying that the actual crime rate is not being controlled for all persons but instead people of color are targeted more heavily than whites. It has been shown in a study from Florida that blacks imprisonment rate is up to and even more than 6 times that of whites. (Bales Piquero 743) The reasoning for this varies with each person you ask, but when the numbers are that stagg ering then something is very wrong. I believe that racism is still embedded in our collective minds and we all use it more or less when making decisions. It never really disappeared after the civil war era and are extremely worrying to a majority of America. When you see the statistics and numbers showing these huge racial differences between blacks and white you obviously want it to change right? This is a problem that some are finding out recently. When many people are exposed to these things they dont have that expected response, even when you try to be completely clear and really show them whats really going on they tend to actually go in the other direction. (Eberhardt Hetey 184) This might confuse you and it did me at first too but really it brings me back to what I said before. We are so race-minded that we can not just point out a problem and expect everyone to all get behind it together. When we are faced with an issue that does not directly affect us we rarely muster up much support on the issue. Since this problem isnt blasted over news outlets and kind of shoved aside it goes unnoticed by the general population. This issue with our system in place isnt something we can just pass a law and completely fix it. However, I do believe one issue is possible to fix. In America we are able to defend ourselves in court with attorneys we can buy, however not everyone can do this so we provide for those individuals. The problem isnt that we leave them to fend for themselves is that the resources we give them arent good enough to get a fair and even trial. The underfunded and understaffed public defenders offices are the root cause of this and more times than not it directly affects these minority groups. (Engstrom) Nothing will ever be more eye-opening then looking at the poor community when they are on trial for capital punishment. Is it acceptable to put someones life in the hands of a public defender or should something else be done to ensure they arent going to die because of a mistake a lawyer can make? â€Å"Poor people charged with capital offences in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, and e lsewhere usually have no alternative except to be represented by attorneys who lack the skill, knowledge, resources, financial incentive and willingness to protect their rights.†(Bright 690) Really this isnt necessarily a race issue, however, we cannot be okay with putting a below average unmotivated lawyer in charge of someones life. It can be fixed by proper funding and training it is only a matter of time before this happens but for now, it is a waiting game. Although this is such a controversial topic the one thing I think we all can agree on is if its true it needs to be fixed sooner rather than later at this point. There are ways to fix this, however. We would need to completely switch the standards for our policing and our court trials. For some, this seems ridiculous and would hurt more than help but when you look at the numbers we already are almost to the point of no return. If you believe that we do not need drastic changes then this quote from Hester and Hartman will change your mind. â€Å"judges will feel ‘‘liberated’’ to individualize the sentence on a variety of factors. This ambiguity increases the likelihood that sentencing decisions might be influenced by the race of the offender (Spohn 2000; Spohn and Cederblom 1991; Spohn and DeLone 2000).†(Hester and Hartman 78) This should scream out to everyone the need for change. Our system should not be incentivized to convict individuals no matter what race. It is a known fact that District Attorneys are rated by their conviction rates and police departments by the number of arrests they make. Justice cannot be incentivized by any means or it goes against the saying I brought up before injustice being blind. In conclusion, the problem with our criminal justice system has 5 factors that contribute to its discriminatory actions we see through the years. The biggest problem we face is the stereotypes drilled into our brains from movies, news, social media. It sticks with you for the rest of your life-altering your decisions. Next, is the deeply embedded racism starting back hundreds of years and we have yet to break through those grasps. This goes hand in hand with how our previous history affects our country today with The New Jim Crow and everything involving the rights of our black Americans. The one factor I think we as a nation should be able to eliminate is the lack of proper resources for defending the poverty-stricken individuals who put their lives in the hands of public defendants. Lastly the fact that it has been proven that the color of your skin can directly impact your conviction and sentencing is beyond me. You should always have a fair and even trial no matter what the charg e or who you are as a person. The systematic racism and stereotyping are essential to the constant discrimination we see on a day to day basis in America. It is only a matter of time before it hits the point of no return.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Medias Influence on Teenage Suicide
The Medias Influence on Teenage Suicide Fiction: Only â€Å"bad†kids who have the wrong friends and bad lives commit suicide. Fact: Kids who have the right friends and a bright future in front of them commit suicide. Fiction: Music, movies, and other forms of media do not influence teenagers in any way, shape, or form. Fact: Music, movies, and other forms of media are influencing teenagers to commit suicide. Teenage suicide is on the rise at an alarming rate. While depression and other social pressures play a significant role in suicide among teenagers, there is evidence showing that music, movies, and other ways the media portrays suicide as glamorous and noble is having a major influence on teenagers considering suicide.†¦show more content†¦These causes can vary from depression to drugs to school and family pressures. According to Francine Klagsburn in her book, Too Young to Die, â€Å"No single cause can explain all suicides. Suicide is such a complex matter that it involves every aspect of life.†(121) Anthropologist Edward Westermark was of the same thinking and found there are many motives including disappointed love or jealousy, illness, death of a loved one, shame, pride, anger and revenge (Choron 10). A 1986 government survey attempted to answer the question, â€Å"Is there something different [today] about the sense of despair, the sense of hopelessnessâ € ¦that youngsters feel suicide is a reasonable solution?†(Klagburn, 12) The survey asked experts in suicide research and prevention to list the characteristics of youth at risk of committing suicide. â€Å"Half of the respondents cited family conflicts, more than one-third mentioned physical or sexual abuse, and 17 percent named alcohol or drug abuse†(Worsnop 372). David C. Clark, director of Chicago’s Center for Suicide Research and Prevention, was also quoted, citing some of the suicide triggers of an at risk teen: In the vast majority of cases, they say, there is an underlying mental illness that is responsible for suicide. Clark estimates that about 25 percent of youth suicides are due to depression, 25 percent to alcohol or drug abuse and about 40 percent fall into the category of conduct disorder, which involves a longShow MoreRelatedMedia s Effect On Teens986 Words  | 4 PagesCenters for disease control and prevention (CDC), the suicide rate is currently the third largest leading causes of death among teenagers, and the numbers are growing day by day. Media’s contribution to this upward trend of suicide may be debatable, but we can’t deny the influence of television commercials on teens. Through false advertisements, unrealistic standard of beauty, and social norms, Media is fueling a national epidemic of teen suicide. 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The first dateableRead MoreHow The Media Influences An Individual1817 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"How the Media Influences an Individuals’ Sense of Self† â€Å"Mirror, mirror on the wall who s the fairest of them all†(Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937). Most people are familiar with this quote from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which illustrates simply an issue facing women today. Much like the movie -the evil queen sees Snow White in the mirror- people never see themselves in the mirror; people project what they want to be and critique every inch of themselves. The American culture hasRead MoreMusic Preferences957 Words  | 4 PagesWhat physiological, psychological and social factors influence our musical preferences? Music refers to the art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion; however individuals differ in their preference of music. 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Counterargument and Peaceful Species Free Essays
IGCSE English as a First Language – The Winchester School, Dubai Ishita Sharma – 11G Argumentative writing: â€Å"Humans are a peaceful species at heart†How far do you agree? Are humans a peaceful species at heart? It’s a difficult task to pick a clear side but many people have many opinions. There are various people who will say yes, humans are a peaceful species at heart but there are equally many people who would say no. After all, it is a broad topic concerning an unpredictable species. We will write a custom essay sample on Counterargument and Peaceful Species or any similar topic only for you Order Now One strong argument in support of this statement would be that if we weren’t a peaceful species how would we co-exist in such a large population in places like mega cities. Furthermore, criminals exist in a minority, how can that tip the scales and make us think that we are a violent species. Also, if we were so violent, why would we organize charities for people we don’t even know? Why would donations exist? If we were not cooperative how would generations of scientists from all over the world discover things such as the atom, medicines etc. The counter-argument to that would be that we could just be cooperating for selfish reasons or from fear of justice. There are many who are against this statement and have just as many points to justify their opinion. The most important point is that if we were so peaceful, why are there such things as wars? A minority of criminals, which is slowly rising, have the ability to kill innocent people, are they not humans too? Why is it that weapons such as guns which were invented to protect the innocent, are now being used to kill them? Terrorism and racism, in other words hatred, have consumed many defenceless beings. It is in human nature in fact, to be aggressive. In our history, there have been massive blood baths for selfish reasons such as a quest for power and even natural resources. We are the reason that the Earth may suffer another Ice Age as we are destroying it on a daily basis. Could it not be that it is a fear of being reprimanded that makes us behave like civil people? After all, just 3000 years or so ago, we were barbarians who fought over land and food, and it seems we continue to do so. In conclusion, after weighing up the arguments, I feel that I am against this statement. Humans are not peaceful as it is not even in our nature to be so. We are the cause of many epidemics and in the end we are the ones who destroy each other and everything around us whether it is for selfish purposes or justice. After all, there is no justification for violence, destruction and of course, selfishness. Comment: Introductory paragraph. Explains the fact that this is a complex topics towards which people have differing opinions. Comment: Reason 1. Argument for Comment: Good example of connective adverb to develop reason 1. Comment: Reason 2 Comment: Bridge sentence, indicating that she is now moving on to the reasons against the topic Comment: Argument sections. Reasons for. Comment: Use of rhetorical questions to bring the reader over to her viewpoint. Comment: Counter argument section. Reasons against. Comment: Conclusion section of the essay. She states her opinion and reiterated the main reason why she doesn’t believe humans are a peaceful species at heart. Overall, this essay scores an A grade. Ishita has followed the structure we discussed in class: clear introduction, followed by argument, counterargument and a conclusion. She has points for and against the topic indicating that she has considered both sides of the argument and is aware of what the proponents and opponents of the statement believe. She has used a few rhetorical questions for emphasis – always a good strategy. Her conclusion was sound: she states her opinion after presenting us with her main reason why she believes humans aren’t a peaceful species at heart. Her sentences are grammatically correct and she makes her points succinctly with a confident economy of words. She could score a higher grade if she focused a little more on elaborating her points for/against. Using a more varied vocabulary would add an extra dimension to her writing and drive home her points all the more effectively. – Mr. Roberts How to cite Counterargument and Peaceful Species, Essay examples
Immigration Detention and Visa Cancellation †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Immigration Detention and Visa Cancellation. Answer: Introduction The case study describes a scenario where a New Zealand citizen, John Smithers, is faced with possible visa cancellation based on character grounds as provided for under section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth)[1]. Generally, the Act 1958 provides that a non-citizens visa is subject to cancellation where they fail to satisfy the Minister for Immigration or their delegates that they have passed the character test described under the Act.[2] Ultimately, cancellation may result in detention and deportation of the visa holder in question; however, various factors must be considered prior to cancelling a visa.[3] The character test mentioned above considered criminal records and conduct that may pose a national threat; a visa holder with a substantial criminal record or who has been convicted of certain offences is likely to fail the character test and as such may be at risk of visa cancellation.[4] John Smithers, the visa holder in question, is a 24-year-old New Zealand Citizen who has been living and working in Australia for the past 10 years under a Special Category (Temporary) Sub-Class 444 visa together with his elderly parents. Over the past five years, while working at Toyota, Smithers appears to have fallen into bad company and has been faced with various convictions. He has been charged with drunken behaviour, driving without a license, assault, careless driving and most recently burglary with a dangerous weapon. His most recent charge led to a conviction of 3 months imprisonment and a three thousand dollar compensation penalty. John recently found out he would be becoming a father and this has triggered a sense of remorse; he has sort treatment and it is believed that he will be rehabilitated. However, his previous conduct has led to a review of his visa and as such he has been issued with a Notice of intention to Consider Cancellation (NOICC); the notice cites charact er grounds under s 501 (2) of the Act 1958. The following discourse aims to examine the prospects of success for cancellation with regard to the notice as well as any options available to John Smithers in the event that his visa is cancelled. An Evaluation of the Prospects of Success for the NOICC According to s 501 (2) of the Act 1958, the Minister may cancel a visa already granted to a person where they have reasonable justification to suspect the person has failed the character test set out under s 501 (6), or where the visa holder fails to satisfy the minister that they have passed the test; this provision implies that a visa holder has the right to respond or challenge the Ministers suspicions by providing proof that they pass the test within the reasonable time frame which is usually set out in the NOICC.[5] As such, although the ultimate decision lies with the Minister, communication with the visa holder is necessary to avail them an opportunity to defend their character.[6] As aforementioned, the Act 1958 sets out criteria for the character test which guide the Minister in determining the fate of the visa holder. The criteria set out under s 501 (6) (a) to (d) include: a substantial criminal record, conviction for immigration detention offences, association with persons or organisations suspected of engaging in criminal conduct, past and present criminal or general conduct and significant risk in particular types of future conduct.[7] Criminal conduct is determined by length or gravity of a sentence; that is, a person sentenced to death or life imprisonment, a sentence of 12months or more imprisonment, two or more imprisonment terms which culminate in a total of 12 or more months imprisonment and acquittal on ground of mental capacity which results in detention at a facility.[8] In Tewao v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship (2012)[9] Mr Tewao, a New Zealand citizen had been convicted of aggravated robbery and sentenced to three years and three months imprisonment. The prison length satisfied the 12-month criteria and as such created a substantial criminal record which created character grounds for visa cancellation. Mr Tewao attempted to challenge the decision but courts upheld that his conduct was of a serious nature and that there was a low-moderate risk that the conduct could be repeated. The nature and seriousness of the offence amounted to a national interest to cancel the visa.[10] In determining whether a visa holder is at risk of cancellation based on grounds of imprisonment sentences, it is important to note that aggregate sentences, time on remand, time serves as well as suspended sentences are considered.[11] Under section 501 (3A) time serves may be considered in determining the 12-month imprisonment condition; that includes a past sentence or an ongoing sentence. Further, where a visa holder has been convicted with multiple sentences which add up to 12 or more months of imprisonment then they may be at risk of visa cancellation under the discretionary provisions of s 501 (7) of the Act 1958. Additionally, suspended sentences are considered for the purposes of calculating the 12 months imprisonment condition as held in Meng Kok Te v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [1999]. The Ministerial Direction No 65 provides further guidelines for consideration with regard to visa refusal and cancellation under the provisions of section 501 of the Act 1958. According to the direction, one of the considerations to make is the nature and seriousness of the conduct in question.[13] With regard to this, the Minister or decision maker considers the extent of violence involved, the nature of the crime such as sexual crimes, and the vulnerable group at risk or who were victim to the crime. Vulnerable groups include the elderly, minors and the disabled community members among others. Further, the decision maker considers whether there is a rising trend or increasing seriousness where the visa holder is a repeat offender. Statistics show some of the offences which have led to visa cancellations include assault, robbery, people smuggling and murder among other violent and non-violent offences.[14] The Minister or their delegate is tasked with providing certain supporting information as a matter of policy when a Notice of Intention to Consider Cancellation is issued under s 501 (2). According to the Procedures Advice Manual (PAM), the notice should include information that highlights which alleged activities or conduct raise suspicion under s 501(2). Where the ground relied upon is a substantial criminal record then the criminal history or official records highlighting the conviction should be referenced. This should include any further evidence or information at the departments disposal which has been relied on to prepare the notice. Further, the visa holder should be invited to comment or challenge the grounds outlined in the NOICC and the manner for response and jurisdiction for the same should be provided for with the notice.[15] Having considered the legal requirements and supporting information necessary for the success of a NOICC, the discourse proceeds to apply these findings to the case study in question. Firstly, in considering the establishment of a substantial criminal record, the length of time of imprisonment is a significant factor. John Smithers has been convicted twice, the first conviction carried a two-month sentence which was suspended, the second a three-month sentence which he was to serve. The three-month sentence does not meet the threshold set under the provisions of the Act 1958, however, as aforementioned, suspended convictions are considered for purposes of counting. The overall sentence totals to 5 months, this is still significantly below the set threshold of 12 months. However, courts also consider the seriousness of the offence and the risk of future offences. On his second offence, John Smithers was charged with assault, in his third offence, he was charged with burglary with a le thal weapon. According to statistics, these offences are common considerations for cancellation by the department. Further, his conduct illuminates a trend whereby he appears to be under peer pressure and alcohol influence when he commits offences. However, the seriousness of the offences appears to be escalating. Guided by the rationale in Tewao v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2012], these would be sufficient grounds for cancellation. However, the decision maker, guided by the Direction No 65, has to consider other factors such as the impact on family members as well as prospects of reform or rehabilitation. All in all, the final decision lies at the discretion of the Minister and as per the holding in Tewao v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2012], the cancellation has sufficient grounds for success. Options Available to the Visa Holder According to s 501 CA of the Act 1958, once a decision to cancel a visa is made, the Minister is required to give the non-citizen notice of the decision and invite them to seek revocation guided by the provisions of the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth). Regulation 2.52 provides for the procedure for making representations to the minister citing reasons why the decision should be revoked. The representations must be made within 28 days after the original notice is given and should be in writing including relevant particulars with regard to the former visa holder. If no action is taken by the visa holder within the 28-day timeline, the right to request revocation of the decision to cancel is lost.[16] Additionally, where a section 501 cancellation is made by a delegate it is possible to appeal or apply for review at the Administration Appeals Tribunal,[17] however, decisions by Ministers can only be subjected to the aforementioned request for revocation.[18] Guided by the aforementioned provisions, where the decision for cancellation was made by a delegate, John Smithers has the right to apply for appeal at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and highlight reasons why the decision was contrary to the character test and other relevant considerations highlighted under the Direction No. 65. Where he is dissatisfied with the decision of the tribunal, further legal recourse can be sought in court as was the case in Tewao v Minister for Immigration and Citizenship [2012]. It is likely, if John Smithers opts to challenge the delegates decision, that the case would take longer than the current sentence, as such, it is important to note that he may be held in detention as his appeal is determined. However, where the decision to cancel the visa was issued by the Minister under the discretionary powers provided for in the Act 1958, John Smithers has the option of applying for revocation within 28 days of notice of the decision. This applicati on, as aforementioned, must be in writing and subject to the provisions of the Act 1958. Failure to apply for revocation within the stipulated timeframe would lead to loss of any recourse and as such John Smithers would likely be deported. Conclusion Generally, the case study in question explores the grounds and considerations for visa cancellation as well as options available to visa holders whose visas are cancelled under s 501 grounds. According to these provisions, the Minister reserves the right to cancel a visa where they have reasonable grounds to suspect that the visa holder has failed the character test. The test considers the conduct of the visa holder, particularly criminal conduct. Where the visa holder has been convicted or portrays conduct that places the community at risk, the Minster can cancel their visa. The criteria for cancellation include imprisonment for 12 months and more, violent or sexual offence crimes, association with criminal groups among others. As discussed above, the nature and seriousness of the offence or conduct and possibility for repeat offences are also significant in determining the character of the visa holder. The visa cancellation process is likely to succeed as John Smithers conduct has been previously violent, additionally, the degree of seriousness has been escalating with each offence and peer pressure and alcohol influence appear to play a major role in contributing to his conduct. In previous cases, these elements have led to cancellation and deportation of visa holders. However, Smithers convictions do not reach the 12-month threshold and as such he has ground to attempt to convince the Minister or the tribunal to reverse a cancellation decision. This can be done by making a request for revocation where the decision was made by the Minister or an application for appeal with the AAT where the decision was made by a delegate. Bibliography Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Fact Sheet- Expedited Review of Decisions under Section 501 Or 501CA of the Migration Act 1958 (2017) Administrative Appeals Tribunal Freckelton, Alan, Administrative Decision-Making in Australian Migration Law (ANU eText, 2015) Australian Human Rights Commission, Background paper: Human rights issues raised by visa refusal or cancellation under section 501 of the Migration Act (2013) Australian Human Rights Commission Australian Human Rights Commission, Background paper: Immigration detention and visa cancellation under section 501 of the Migration Act (March 2010) Refworld CCH Australia, Australian Master Human Resources Guide (8th ed, CCH Australia Ltd 2010) Neave, Colin AM, The Department of Immigration and Border Protection: The Administration of Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 Report No 08 of 2016 (Commonwealth Ombudsman, 2016) Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Fact Sheet- The Character Requirement (2017) Australian Government Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers, Character cancellation under section 501 (2017) Turner Coulson Immigration Lawyers Victoria Legal Aid, Mandatory Visa Cancellations-Information for Lawyers (2017) Victoria Legal Aid
Friday, May 1, 2020
Strategic Management Products and Services
Question: Discuss about the Strategic Management for Products and Services. Answer: Introduction The following analysis highlights the features of fast cycle market and standard cycle market and its competitive edge over others. For the better understanding of the given proposition, Toyota Motors have been selected as the organization in this regard. Standard and fast cycle market The market cycle may be divided into various segments, namely, standard cycle, fast cycle and others. If the market is based on slow cycle, then the most important rival would be different from fast cycle market conditions. On the other hand, there are strategic alliances that are found in slow market cycles. The various reasons include enhancement of access to the restricted market and foundation of a new franchisee in a new market and maintenance of market stability (Bansal and DesJardine 2014). The competitive advantage may be attained by the organization by comprehending copyrights, patents, geography and others. Thus, it would be more efficient and convenient for the organization to be a market leader in the auto industry. The competitive edge is oriented to maintain, protect and widen the various advantages exit in the market if the competitive advantage is developed (Choi et al. 2014). The competitive advantages of a firm are safeguarded from that of imitation. The reason of t his is, imitation happening promptly in fast cycle market conditions. The competitive advantage of the firm is not sustainable in the course of this period of the cycle. On the other hand, standard market cycle and fast cycle market are less effective than others owing to a rapid decline in the prices of organizational products and services that also contributes to declining in productivity (McLean and Zhao 2014). Business instance of standard cycle market The significant competitor of Ford is considered to be Toyota Motors Company. The noteworthy players are dependent on market cycle and condition of the market. In standard market conditions, Ford may take one type of competitive advantage from Toyota Motors (Braun 2012). As per the given instance, Ford Motors may use the technology for manufacturing of premium products and services to assume competitive advantages in the fast market cycle. The change in the profit of the organizations would result in a change of significant players. In the given case, Ford has to spur various innovative products to assume as a notable player in the industry (Chatterjee 2013). Utility of fast cycle in business Fast cycle time is however not an alien concept of business strategic management. Nowadays, business managers in more complex organizations are availing competitive advantage by making major changes in the management of the companies. The fast cycle time exerts two major roles. It is an organizational capability, and level of performance that the management builds and shapes into the firms operating systems and also the attitude of the resources. The main idea of fast cycle time is to formulate an organization which functions without errors, inventories, and bottlenecks that most companies operate with. Secondly, the fast cycle is a management model, which propels a management how to assume competitive advantage in the sector. The fast cycle option contributes to better performance across the ranks of the organization (Bansal and DesJardine 2014). Costs fall as production materials collect fewer overheads and do not accrue as work-in-process inventory. Also, customer service experien ces improvement since the lead time on order receipt to shipment decreases. This impels in higher quality in operations which boosts the company to keep the organization in proximity to the consumers (Morden 2016). Instance of fast cycle market To elucidate the topic, it is imperative to introduce the instance of McDonald in the given context. The fast cycle markets help the company to undertake faster decisions, develop new products and increase the efficiency in customer deliverables (McLean and Zhao 2014). Student Post (discussion) Fast cycle is not something new relating to business strategy. Firms accomplish sustainable competitive advantage by initiating drastic changes in the ranks of the organization. This enables them to make decisions faster. The factual reality is fast cycle method helps in developing new products, services and solution for a given firm. This results in creating unique value for the organization, by and large. This is a typical management model which impels any organization with competitive advantage that the firm may exercise over others in the business domain. On the other hand, standard-cycle reflects service being rendered to a large segment of customers in competitive market conditions. While fast cycle aims to gain competitive advantage over players, the later entails over service being delivered to a vast range of customers. In this case, competitive advantage is less specific in nature, and therefore standard-cycle entities can replicate the model and perform their objectives in slow-cycle market conditions. Conclusion The above discussion analyses the effectiveness of fast cycle in the business parlance by introducing Ford Motor Company and McDonalds as instances which explicate the given topic in the best possible manner. Reference list Bansal, P. and DesJardine, M.R., 2014. Business sustainability: It is about time. Strategic Organization, 12(1), pp.70-78. Braun, C., 2012. Economic Analysis of Fast Spectrum Reactors. In Fast Spectrum Reactors (pp. 39-46). Springer US. Chatterjee, S., 2013. Simple rules for designing business models. California Management Review, 55(2), pp.97-124. Choi, T.M., Hui, C.L., Liu, N., Ng, S.F. and Yu, Y., 2014. Fast fashion sales forecasting with limited data and time. Decision Support Systems, 59, pp.84-92. McLean, R.D. and Zhao, M., 2014. The business cycle, investor sentiment, and costly external finance. The Journal of Finance, 69(3), pp.1377-1409. Morden, T., 2016. Principles of strategic management. Routledge.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Swot Analysis of Walmart Essay Example For Students
Swot Analysis of Walmart Essay Wal-Mart Company Strategy This section will examine Wal-Marts company strategy in several sections. Three elements of successful strategy formulation and a fourth element, which exemplifies the implementation process of company strategy, will be looked at. Followed by this, an analysis of key factors contributing to this strategy will be detailed. These include looking at Wal-Marts competitive strategy, the CEOs leadership, and company strategy strengths and weakness assessment. The material used to analyze Wal-Mart strategy consists of the companys annual reports, its Fact Sheets and other information found on the company Internet site. Other information is obtained from outside sources such as Fortune Magazine, and from outside groups who are critical of the corporation. The focus of this analysis will be placed on identifying the resources of the firm, its weaknesses and strengths in terms of its competitive environment. The sections examined will highlight the leadership style of Wal-Mart CEO H. Lee Scott, who inherited the corporate legacy of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton. Other elements such as the culture, the corporate organization and values of the company come to play. 1. We will write a custom essay on Swot Analysis of Walmart specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Strategic Goals This section looks at three successful elements of strategy formulation and a fourth element, where the strategy is implemented successfully. These are as follows: Dominate the Retail Market wherever Wal-Mart has a presence. Growth by expansion in the US and Internationally. Create widespread name recognition and customer satisfaction with the Wal-Mart brand, and associate the retailer with the reputation of offering the best prices. Branching out into new sectors of retailing such as pharmacies, automotive repair, and grocery sales. a. Dominate the Retail Market Everywhere A key strategy of Wal-Mart is to dominate the retail market. Company founder Sam Walton put in place a retail philosophy the company still follows. Wal-Mart is primarily a discount retailer because they sell their products at the lowest possible prices. By selling at the lowest price. Walton outlines that the essence of successful discount retailing to cut the price on an item as much as possible, lowering the markup, and earn profit on the increased volume of sales. (Wal-Mart pricing philosophy document, www. Another subset of this strategy is the competitiveness of every unit. Each store is encouraged to ferociously compete against all other stores in its customer base until the Wal-Mart store gains dominance over its local competitors (Quinn, 2, 115). Wal-Mart is currently ranked as the worlds number one retailer and the number one company in the world in terms of sales (over $200 billion) on the Fortune 500 list ( com) ( The key strategy is to dominate a market. Using its size and volume buying power, the company effectively implements its strategy. b. Growth by expansion in the US and Internationally. A strategic goal of Wal-Mart is to expand. It has done so successfully. Looking at the facts and figures clearly shows the corporations dominance and power. Currently the corporation employs over 1.3 million employees, one million in the US alone. The company owns over 4000 stores worldwide. Over 1,200 units (stores) are in operation internationally. Domestically, Wal-Mart is the largest US retailer, employing around 1 million people. It has over 3,000 stores and outlets, and 77 distribution centers. The company serves more than 100 million customers weekly in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and several nations around the world. ( com, Fact Sheet Wal-Mart at a Glance, 2002). Internationally, the retailer operates in Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, China, Korea, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Its expansion strategy internationally has been aggressive and powerful. The latest expansion strategy is for the company to gain entry into a nation by corporate takeover of a national retailer. Once the company is bought, Wal-Mart converts the stores into Wal-Mart stores. Three countries, all with no previous Wal-Mart stores, became part of the corporations international presence when domestic retail chains were overtaken. .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .postImageUrl , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:hover , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:visited , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:active { border:0!important; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:active , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Upstarts Assault Essay In 1994, Wal-Mart bought 122 Woolco stores in Canada; today there are 196 units in Canada. In 1998 Wal-Mart bought the Wertkauf store with 21 units, now there are 94 Wal-Marts in Germany. In 1999, Wal-Mart acquired the ASDA chain with 229 units in the UK. Today, the UK has 252 Wal-Mart stores. ( com, Fact Sheet on International Operations, .
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