Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Collective Activity Was The Dawn Of American Imperialism
The topic I examined in the collective activity was the â€Å"Dawn of American Imperialism.†The dawn of American imperialism was a time of expansion and also a time of war and racism. During this time America was increasing â€Å"its power by gaining control over other areas of the world†(Merriam-Webster). America was fighting a war in the Philippines to take control because Americans thought Filipinos’ could not govern themselves and were uneducated. Also America was trying to annex Hawaii even though the majority of Hawaiians were against the annexation. During this time people and companies such as Josiah strong, Rudard Kipling and Pearl’s soap were spreading racism and the belief that Anglo-Saxons were a superior race and should â€Å"impress its institutions upon man-kind†(Josiah Strong, â€Å"Our Country†). There were many primary sources that I consulted while studying my topic. In the text Voices of Freedom by Eric Foner I read about and studied the views of Josiah strong, Emilio Aguinaldo and Rudard Kipling. I studied an article titled The 1897 Petitions Protesting Annexation by Noenoe K. Silva from the University of Hawaii library website. I also studied two images in chapter 17 of Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! Online. The first image was titled â€Å"A Trifle Embarrassed†and the second image was a Pears’ Soap ad image titled â€Å"The White Man’s Burden†Josiah strong was a Protestant Christian minister who wrote a book titled Our Country In 1885. In his book Josiah Strong talks aboutShow MoreRelatedSummary of 13 Chapters of Belize5562 Words  | 23 Pagesto clarify the formation and development of the present state. The presence of the British, in turn resulted from the coming of Christopher Columbus to the Americans and the subsequent incursions by various European powers. Columbus thought that he had lands in India. 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